Chapter 4 - Why Do I Do This?

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"You girls going to the party tonight?" I asked, looking through my wardrobe for dresses.

"Obviously!" Evie held Camila's hand excitedly, "And we're going together, as a couple."

I dropped the countless outfits I was holding and rushed over to them, "I didn't know you two were going out!"

"Yeah, we've been on a couple of dates. We just didn't really want to tell anyone in case it didn't work out. I can't wait to show this one off!" Camila squealed. Evie didn't look so sure.

"Evie, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I just don't know if I'm ready to tell everyone just yet. I'm really sorry but is it OK if we go as a couple but pretend to be just friends?"

"Sure babe, whatever makes you feel comfortable," Camila pecked her on the cheek and came up to the wardrobe, "Now, let's find you something gorgeous to wear."


"Everyone ready?" I asked. We all looked gorgeous, not gonna lie. Camila was wearing a black open-back dress and silver heels. Evie was in a blush two-piece halter-neck dress and matching open-toe heels. I was wearing a white mini-dress with lace on the chest and white stilettos. We all had our nails and hair done earlier and just. Wow. We looked fabulous, to say the least.

"Come on, let's go!" Evie called, already out the door. We only had to walk down the road to get there. We stepped inside.

Now that's what I call a party.

Music was blasting from the speakers, people were dancing everywhere, I saw at least two drunk people wandering in the garden, alcoholic drinks were on every surface in the whole house as far as I could see. Whoever was hosting this knows their stuff.

Of course, we first went to the drinks table to get us started and saw Nash there.

"Hey girls! H-how are you ladies?" he slurred, stumbling a little bit. He was tipsy already.

Fucking beginners.

"Yeah, not bad. Will be a lot better after we had a drink though." Camila said, instantly going for the wine, "Look at this, it's called 'Sangria Wine'. Sounds fancy."

"Really? Underage drinking?" Evie said sceptically.

"Oh, for fuck's sake! Camila, pass me that wine!" I moaned.

"What do you mean? I'm all for it! Can I have some of that wine as well?" Camila poured us glasses and Evie grabbed her hand, " You wanna dance?"

"Hell yes! Maybe you could teach me that dance from the other day?" we all ran to the dance floor and we quickly taught her the dance. Luckily, she was a quick learner and had mastered it in under 5 minutes. I requested some Cuban music and we did the dance.

"This shit's nice!" I said, gesturing to the wine, "You know, we should name the dance after it!"

"Nice!" Evie said and we all clinked glasses, "To Sangria Wine!" we all said.

Sadly, Shawn Mendes had spotted me and was quickly by my side. I was happy and annoyed at the same time but I only showed one of those feelings. That's annoyed, by the way.

"Hey Felicity," he said.

"Hi Mendes," I replied coldly.

"I see you've gone straight for the alcohol."


"You wanna play a game?"

"Does it involve alcohol?"

"It sure does."

"Then yes. What's the challenge?"

"Whoever can last the longest at shots."

"I'm in. If I win, I get to back-hand slap you across the face 5 times, like I did in class." I smiled sweetly.

"If I win, you go on a date with me."

What. The. Fuck. This shit just got real.

"Game on." we sat down at the table and Nash set up the glasses. Shawn glared at him, still under the illusion that we were going out. Nash poured my drinks with vodka but before he could pour Shawn's, one of his friends barged through and poured them instead.


We took our first shot and Camila, Evie and Shawn's friends had come to watch. "Why do you hate me?" he asked, "I'm so hot, it should be impossible."

"Stop calling yourself hot, the only thing you can turn on is a microwave." the group watching us went wild and we had another shot. I accidentally spilt some of my drink on the floor. Embarrassing.

"Haha, you failed!" he laughed.

"Yeah, so did your dad's condom." I glared. I gulped down two more shots and he quickly did the same. His face had gone a bit red due to humiliation.

Haha, sucker.

"Why do you have such a bad attitude problem?" he asked.

"Hey, I don't have an attitude problem! I have an attitude, but I just don't see it as a problem." I gulped down another two shots.

I started to feel a bit light-headed. I could see that Shawn looked fine but I had to keep going - I couldn't let him win. I had another shot and that's when I started to block everything out. I saw people were trying to talk to me but I couldn't really hear them. It sounded muffled as if I was under water. How was Shawn fine? I had yet another shot and I felt terrible, "Guys I don't feel so good..." I slurred before my whole world went black. I fell but I didn't land.

Who caught me?

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