Chapter 2 - Excuse Me, Bitch?

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As I walked in through the doors of the school, the hallway was now practically empty as most people were already in class. I walked up to the reception desk to get my timetable. There was a woman sitting behind the desk with her feet on the table, chewing pink gum very loudly and half-asleep. Fucking slag.

"Hey, can I get my timetable?" I asked.

"What's your name?" she sighed.


She handed me two slips of paper, one with all my classes on it and one with a map of the school. "Oh, by the way," I added, "You're a slag, you know that, right?"

She glared at me, "Fuck you."

"Fuck you too." I smiled back before heading to my first class.

I had just left reception when I noticed this group of boys hanging around in the corridor. One of the boys was quite tall, about 6 feet compared to my 5ft 7.


That's all I can think of to describe him.

I walked up to him, ready to introduce myself. "Hey, handsome," I said, twirling a blonde curl around my finger.

"Yeah, that's me," he replied before walking off with his mates.

Rude. Definitely not going after him anymore.

Eventually, I got to my class. I walked in and found the only available seat. I was about to sit down but I noticed who was sitting next to me. The dickhead from earlier. He turned to look at me, interest in his eyes.

Not that I was looking into his eyes. Ahem.

Purely out of instinct, I backhanded him around the face before taking my stuff and leaving the class.

"Hey, wait a minute," the teacher called from his desk, "Aren't you the new girl Felicity?"

"Nope," I lied before walking out.

No way am I going to be in a class with that twat.

I passed Evie's class on my way out, so I poked my head through the door.

"Hey, Evie, you want to go Starbucks?"

"Hell yes!" she exclaimed. She grabbed her bag and walked out. "Do I look OK?" she asked.

"Yeah, you look fine, don't worry." She was wearing black jeans, a white, long-sleeved, cold shoulder top and open-toe black heels. Her dark blonde hair was in a messy top knot. I was wearing a black, halter-neck top, white jeans, wedges and a pair of glasses on the top of my head.

We strolled out of the school gates and after a while we arrived at Starbucks. Evie went to order our drinks. I noticed a boy and a girl I had seen at the school gates. They looked about our age so I assumed they were in our year. I walked over to their table.

"Hey, do you go to our school?" I asked.

The girl spoke, "Yes but we never actually turn up to class."

"You guys sound like my kind of people! My name's Felicity and this is Evie." I said as she came back with our drinks: a caramel frappucino for me and a chocolate chip frappucino for her.

This time the boy replied, "My name's Nash and this is Camila. We're not a couple by the way. Just friends." Camila and Evie locked eyes for a moment before looking away, embarrassed.

"Are any of you single, by any chance?" Camila asked.

"Sorry, I'm straight," I said, "But I know someone who isn't," I gestured to Evie. I pushed her towards Camila and they went off to chat.

I love playing matchmaker.

"So, Nash, do you have a girlfriend?" He was pretty cute and I was just curious.

"Not exactly. I have a boyfriend." he didn't look sure how I would react.

"Aww, cute! What's his name?"

"Matt. It's kind of a secret so I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone." he beamed. I nodded and he took out his phone. "Selfie time?"

"Hell yes!" we started taking random selfies, "I actually have a gay best friend, that is awesome."

Evie poked her head into our conversation, "I thought I was your gay best friend." she put a hand over her heart in fake offence. Suddenly, we heard some Cuban music through the cafe's radio. We started doing our dance from when we were back in the UK. Camila came over and was obviously impressed.

"I like that dance. Where did you get it from?"

"We made it up years ago," Evie said proudly.

"Nice. Any chance I could use it? I'm thinking of being a singer and I was wondering if I could use it in one of my music videos."

"OK. But you have to buy all of our Starbucks drinks forever." I suggested.

"But you guys are like, super rich, right?"

"That's not the point, Camila. Evie, you explain. I just can't." I walked out and headed for the nearest Primark. Nash chased after me.

Before we left, I heard Camila say, "Where is she going?"

"Probably Primark. She won't come back, you know," replied Evie.

It was about 20 minutes until they found us outside a now empty Primark.

"What happened here?" Evie asked, half shocked, half amused.

"We bought everything," I said simply. My phone vibrated so I checked it. Someone called Shawn Mendes had added me on Snapchat.

Who the fuck is Shawn Mendes?

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