Chapter 6 - The First Time I Kinda Believed

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"Who made you the queen?"

I looked at him with absolute disbelief, "Actually, there was a group vote and I won. Maybe because I was the only voter but that's not the point! Go suck on a tomato!"

"I hate tomatoes!"

"Not. My. Problem!"

"Oh, come on, please!"

"No! You're an arrogant dickhead who thinks that you're better than everyone else just because you have a fucking six-pack!"

"How do you know I have a six-pack?" Oh shit. What do I do now?

"Err, I guessed?" Smooth Felicity, smooth.

"Please go on a date with me!"


"I promise I can change." This just got interesting. I mean, it can't be that bad, right? You know, free food and all.

"OK, fine," his face lit up with delight, "You may take me on a date. 2 things though: 1, we have to go to Nando's; 2, you're paying."

"Great! I'll meet you there at 6 tomorrow evening."


"So, what are you going to wear?" Evie asked, sitting on my bed with Camila while I frantically searched through my wardrobe for something to wear. I had exactly 2 hours before my date with Shawn and, I have to be honest, I was stressing out. A constant war was raging in my head.

Stop worrying it's just Shawn Mendes.

Yeah, but he's so fit!

Who cares? He's a prick.

He said he could change.

As if!

I pulled out a pair of white ripped jeans, a white crop top and a black jacket. "This might look nice," I said, holding the outfit up to myself.

"That's gorgeous!" Camila said.

"I can't believe you actually said yes to this though," Evie said, "I thought you hated him."

"Yeah, well, free food!" OK, that wasn't the whole truth but they don't need to know that.

"Doesn't he think that you're still going out with Nash?" Camila asked.

"Yeah. I'm going to tell him the truth on the date. Just in case this goes well."

"You want this to go well! You like him don't you?" Evie teased.

"I do not!"








"Well, maybe a little," I said sheepishly. The girls went nuts as they took in what I just told me. He is fit though. If he kept his promise and really did change, he would be a great boyfriend! He just needs a little work.


I walked up to the doors of Nando's and Shawn was waiting for me. And he looked hot. He was wearing black jeans and a dark blue shirt with the top button undone so I got a glimpse of his chest. Damn.

"Hey," I said, walking up to him.

"Hey, you look beautiful! Should we head inside?" he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the restaurant. We found a table but I saw two plates full of food already on the table.

"Maybe we should find another table?" I said, looking around for free tables. Unfortunately, everywhere seemed to be taken.

"No, this is for us. I already ordered our food so you wouldn't have to wait. And don't worry, I got your order right. A grilled chicken burger with chips and spicy rice and a glass so you can get whatever soft drink you like." he said with pride.

I can't believe he got my order right. Did he seriously get it just by seeing our table a few days ago? Who is he, Sherlock Holmes?

"Thank you," I said, taking my seat.

"What drink do you want?" he said, grabbing my glass.

"A coke please." he walked off and I pulled out my phone to tell Evie how it was going so far.

Hey, how's the date going?




I took my drink as Shawn came back to our table, "Thanks." We clinked glasses and tucked into our food. This looked to be a very good date. How did I feel about that? I really don't know.

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