This has been a evening of love and warmth

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 (Arguing in Polish, slams door.) "Hello" Matteusz says slightly flushed from the obvious argument he was just having with who Charlie assumed were his parents.

"Everything all right?" Charlie Questions not quite understanding what had just happened.

"Oh, yeah. My deeply religious parents are very happy I'm going to dance with a boy. This has been an evening of love and warmth."


"You are a very strange person" Matteusz walks up to Charlie and brings him in to a passionate kiss.

"Shall we head to the school?" Charlies asks now equally as flushed but for a very different reason. As they walk away from his house, Matteusz looks back at his house to see his father staring menacingly out the window at him and Charlie. He shivers for a moment but decides not to think about him tonight.

"Are you cold?" Charlies asks concern evident on his face.

"No, no I'm fine let just carry on." Matteusz said turning around and heading off down the street, Charlies having to jog for a moment to catch up.


Matteusz' POV

After all the events of tonight I had almost forgotten what was waiting for me at home. The events of tonight seeming almost impossible, Charlies an alien, and lives with Miss Quill, who's also an alien and the school was attacked by murdering alien who killed every one on there planet, April now share a hart with the king of said aliens, oh and Rams leg got out cut off and now he has an alien leg. My mind had replayed the events of the night so many times I was unsure if it was even true.

I take my key out my pocket and unlock the front door, hoping my parents have gone to bed. The room was dark and I let out a breath I was not aware I was holding. I turn the light on and go up to my room.

It's not a big room but it is how I wanted it, my single bed pushed up against the back wall and a small desk by my window. I have a small pile of text books piled by my laptop and a small photo of my grandmother hung on my notice broad.

I take off my suit jacket and sit down on my bed. Running my fingers through my hair, I think about what the morning may bring. I know what the morning will bring, this is not a new argument. It is almost OK that I like boys, as long as father does not have to think about it but Charlie, Charlie exists and I am afraid of what father will say this time to destroy my relationship, before it had even begun. 

I realise there is no point on dwelling on this a finish undressing. Tonight I will try to get my head around what happened at school.

I'm woken the next morning by a bang to my door.

"Wstań" my father shouts leaving no room for argument.

"I'm up, I'm up"

"Good come downstairs I wish to speak with you" He storms down the stairs and I slowly sit up and rub my face, I was hoping I could avoid this until after school but apparently not.

I pull on a shirt and some jeans and go down stairs, no point in delaying the inevitable. I hear my parents arguing in the kitchen and know exactly why, they don't know what to do with me.

I walk in to the the kitchen and they both turn to me, my fathers eyes boring into me and my mother looking disgusted with me. "Good Morning" I say trying to look away.

"Sit" father said leaving no room for argument. I slowly sink into the seat nearest to the door. "Matteusz you are a disgrace, it must stop this prancing around with boys, you bring shame on this house and you bring shame on me." he said leaning over the table and slamming his hand down.

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