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I make my way back up stairs with the tea, as I walk in Charlie gets up of the bed and take his mug off of me. 'Thanks, what took so long?" Charlie asked no annoyance in his voice, still I lower my head and apologize.  

"Sorry I got talking to Quill, she... er took care of my ribs" I look away slightly.

"I thought we agreed not to get her involved, I don't like her knowing our weaknesses, heavens know she knows enough of mine."

"I'm sorry Charlie I didn't mean to... I cut my hand and she wrapped it up. After that she told me she already knew and that someone needed to take a look. I don't see the harm, she can't tell anyone, no one know we live together." I look out the window so my back is facing him. "I'm sorry Charlie, I'll be more careful." Charlie comes and stands next to be, putting his arm around my shoulder. 

"No I'm sorry, I should have known we couldn't keep this from her, Quills were alway perspective to these kinds of things. I turn around and hug him close to me.

"Can we go lie down? I think I could do with a break." I let go of him keeping hold of one of his hands and slowly lead him to the bed.

"What do you have in mind Matti?" He smiles at me and lets out a soft giggle. Once we reach the bed I sit him down on the side of the bed as I take my top off. Charlie stares at the bandage around me rib of a moment but decides not to comment. I sit on his lap as we begin to kiss, our tongues wrestling for control. I find the hem of his shirt and pull it over his head. I let my hand roam over his bare chest and begin to bring them lower down, our lips never speterating for more than a second. I fiddle with the button on his jeans and begin to tug them down. Once Charlie is only left in his boxers I fall to my knees in front of him. I remove his cock from his boxers and begin trusting with my hand, a small moan escapes his lips. Once he is fully hard I lower my mouth and begin to swallow. 

Once Charlie had finished we both lean back breathless. "That was incredible Matti." Charlie pants as he pulls his boxers up. I smile up at him as I take a sip of my now lukewarm tea. "Come here." Charlie said now getting some of his composure back. I get up and lie next to him on the bed. I wrap my arm around his waist and play with his hair. We sit like this for what seems like eternity, no words being spoken just the sound of out hearts beating. 

I hear a buzzing noise from the desk were my phone lay forgotten. I stretch and walk other to get my phone, it only then that I realize Charlie has fallen asleep. I smile and look at my phone expecting it to be a text from April or something. My heart sinks when I see who the message is from, Uncle Jakub. 'Your Father wants your shit out of his house, the keys under the mat, if its not gone my 5 tomorrow he's binning the lot of it.'

I sit on the chair by the desk with my head in my hands, I knew at some point I'd have to go back and get the rest of my stuff but this soon... What is my Father is in? I look back at Charlie sleeping form, I can't bother him with this, he's done so much already. What if he really does get sick of me? Where will I go? Would Charlie even want my stuff here, I don't want to just assume he would be ok with it.

I tear fall down my check followed my another, I finally realize how much I'm relying on Charlie and it's not fair on him. I need to make a effort to do more for him. I'm here with Charlie yet I feel so alone how could a prince understand how I've spend my life hiding who I am and looking after myself. I don't think he has ever had to lift a finger in his life. Quill does everything for him now and before that he had servants at his disposal. I curl into myself on the chair and cry silently as to not wake Charlie. I love him so much but I can't make him deal with this. I have to do this on my own.

I crawl into bed around 1am, eyes red and blotchy. I don't bother  changing, I just take my top of and slide into my side of the bed. I don't bother trying to grab any of the blanket from Charlie, he seems so peaceful and I don't want to wake him, so I take his fluffy dressing gown off the hook and use that as a blanket. I fall into a fitful sleep.

 I wake up to next morning my the sun coming through window, I curl into the blanket and try to get another few minutes on sleep before I face the day. Hang on, I wasn't under the blanket when I went to sleep. I open my eyes to see Charlie coming up the stairs with  two mugs of coffee. I smile and sit up. "Good Morning Matti, did you sleep OK?" Charlie asked handing my a coffee.

"Yeah not bad, you didn't have to make me a coffee, I would have made it." I say as he passes my mug.

"I thought I'd surprise you. You looked so cold this morning when I woke up, you were sleeping under my dressing gown. Did I steal all the quilt again? I'm sorry if I did." I smile and he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

"No, no its fine, when you went to sleep I stayed up for a awhile after and when I came to bed you look so comfortable I didn't want to wake you." I say as he walks around the bed and sit back down next to me.

"What were you doing last night then, finishing your work?" He asked innocently enough. I lower the mug from my month and sigh. I don't really know what to say. I can't lie to him again, I need to do something with my stuff today but  I'm not ready for this conversation to happen.

"I got a text of my uncle last night." I say putting my mug on the bedside table. "My Father wants me to go and get the rest of my stuff today or he's going to bin it all. I don't mean to bother you with this I just... I don't know. I'll have to get at least some of my clothes so I don't keep taking yours away from you but I understand if you don't want all my stuff cluttering up the place." I lower my gaze and stare at my hands. Charlie lifts my chin up with his hand so I'm looking him in the eye.

"Don't ever think your things are going to be in the way, this is you home to now. When do you want us to go round and collect it?" 

"What do you mean us?" I question, he can't think that us both going is going to be a good idea.

"I'm not letting you go back there alone, what if you Fathers home, look at the state you were in last time you saw him."

"But what if he hurts you, I couldn't bare it if he laid a hand on you." I place my hand on his check and he leans into it.

"And I couldn't bare it if he laid another hand on you, let me come, we could take Quill with us and she can protect us."

"But it's safer if I go alone, then there's no way he can hurt you, I can take it, please don't push this Charlie."

"Why won't you let me help you do this?"

"Because I deserve what he's going to do to me. I've been such a burden on you, I owe so much to you please let me do this." I curl up into a ball and begin to sob. Charlie holds me close to him and rocks me slightly.

Once I've calmed down Charlie speaks again. "How about I wait at the top of the road and if your not back in 15 minutes I come down and see what's going on, ok?" I'd rather he was nowhere near the house but at least he doesn't want to come in now. It's better than nothing.

"OK but promise to be careful, I know how to handle him." 

"You be careful too." Charlie whispers in my ear as he holds me close.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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