sixty six

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She was bringing the fire.

She was Daenrys Targaryen for Halloween, and it was almost like her personality somehow turned into one, too. Zendaya invited her to her Halloween party and she actually got dressed and got ready to go, but as she neared the door, she really didn't want to go anywhere, so she huffed and looked at Lottie who agreed to baby sit her baby with her boyfriend before she looked back at the door and shook her head.

She walked back into the house making Lottie roll her eyes and hand Lucas to her boyfriend before she pulled Hestia towards the door, "I didn't do your make up and put this wig on you so you'd stay here with Luke, go."

"I don't wanna see him."She huffed.

"You actually eventually have to, since he's your baby daddy- not to mention he was your daddy once, too."Lottie popped a bubble gum and winked making Hestia groan and hit her with her purse and Lottie to laugh, "What?! It's the truth! I literally heard you guys from the hotel room the day before the met gala."

"Shut up!"

"You wanna tell me you don't want to party?"Lottie asked rolling her eyes, "Tia, not throwing a birthday party was enough, we might have made this little surprise party for you on stage but that wasn't enough, now you need to party."

"Well, obviously I want to,"She huffed, "But I just- not at the girl's who I thought my ex was cheating with me on!"

"But he wasn't."

"Lottie."She sighed.

"Hestia, shut the fuck up,"Lottie glared at her, "Now, go."


"No buts, Harry's been waiting for you for like- a whole year outside."

Hestia rolled her eyes and huffed, opening the door of the hotel suite and walking to the elevator, she got to the lobby and found Harry waiting for her there, he was dressed in his Peter Pan costume and waved at her, she linked her arm with his so she wouldn't fall because of her heels and he laughed at her.

"Shut up."She glared at him.

"You just- you're actually still not tall enough to be considered average, Tia."He laughed loudly making her hit him. "Sorry, sorry."

The two walked out to get in her Impala and paparazzi swarmed them both, but the hotel security helped them both get in her car, she instantly started driving towards Zendaya's house, "So, Tom will be there."

Hestia looked at him and blinked before looking ahead of her, waiting for his explanation, Harry rolled his eyes and took a chocolate out of his pocket, he gave it to Hestia making her grin and she quickly took the wrapping off and started eating it, "I mean- like, he's gonna be there, Hestia, but we don't need any problems."

Hestia rolled her eyes and nodded taking a right, "Yeah, yeah, he's the one that talks to me, tell him that."

"Hestia."Harry glared.






"Tia."He groaned.

"Not gonna happen."

"Just this once-"

"No, Harry."

"But, please-"

"No."She deadpanned glaring at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Fucking hell, fine."He huffed.

Hestia smirked when he stopped trying and pulled up in Zendaya's drive way, it was full of Lamborghinis, Bentleys and Audis. She parked her car and got out of it with Harry, locking it, she put the keys in her purse and walked inside with him, she looked around and saw a lot of people waving and coming over to say hi, she greeted everyone that came her way until she groaned of the pain the pumps brought her.

She huffed and looked at the already wasted Harry and rolled her eyes letting out a small laugh before going to where she remembered the bathroom was after she had a couple drinks, she opened the door and found Tom and Laura making out, the two of them looked up the second the door was opened and Hestia just kept her poker face on before slamming the door.

She went down the stairs quickly and went to the garden, she huffed out and took a deep breath, trying not to do anything stupid, she looked up at the stars and let a few tears fall, she wiped them and took her shoes off then sat down on the grass, putting her purse next to her shoes.

She sniffled lightly, hearing footsteps coming from behind her.


She groaned and shook her head, "Go away."

"Tia, listen."Zendaya spoke crouching down next to her.

"What?"She asked looking at the older girl with tears in her eyes.

"Laura told me what happened."She spoke softly, "They're drunk, Tia, he doesn't mean it."

"I don't care, he deserves to move on, I did."She wiped her tears.

"If you did, would you even be here?"


"He still loves you, Tia, he never stopped."She said softly pushing the drunk girl's hair back.

"But he's with her."She cried softly making Zendaya smile and pull her in for a hug.

"He's not, they're just friends, because it's you."Zendaya spoke with a slight hurt smile, "It's always been you."

"Why- why do you sound like you're sad?"Hestia asked confused.

"Because it's always been you for me, too."She whispered before putting her lips on Hestia's.

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