Let's Have a Little Fun

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The hunter had a wild glimmer of lust in his eyes as he leaned over and grazed his teeth across the skin of Castiel's neck. The angel to growl in pleasure.

Dean wanted to forget about Sam. To forget about his dad. About the pain, the sorrow, the anger, the fear. Everything. He wanted to forget about everything that wasn't this very moment with his lover. His angel.

The hunter pulled back the angels trench coat and ripped open his white shirt making buttons fly everywhere. Quickly he loosened the tie, which was once again crooked, and threw it behind him.

Dean leaned down and sucked on Castiel's nipple. The angel gasped and wove his fingers into the man's hair.

Soon he moved and started sucking on the other nipple. Castiel was gasping in pleasure. Then the angel pulled Dean's face up to his own and started kissing any part of his skin he could reach.

A few moments later Cas was helping Dean pull his shirt over his head. It quickly was thrown in the same general area as Castiel's own tie and shirt.

"Mine." Castiel hissed as he placed his hand possesivly on the hunters bare chest.

"Yours." Dean said back in a hushed tone as he gently traced the scars on the angels chest.

Cas pulled Dean back down into him so their bare chests were touching.

The angels hands grazed across Deans body. Suddenly he rolled over and was on top of the hunter.

He began to take charge of the situation. This was a huge turn on for Dean.

The angel was very hard now. Cas moved his hands down to Dean's pants. His fingers sliding carefully against the denim rubbing the nice sized bulge in the hunters pants.

Dean was gasping "Fuck Cas."

The angel smiled wickedly.

"You like this Dean?"

"Yeah Cas! Ahh! fuck!" Dean yelped as the angel moved his hips to rub against his clothed cock.

Dean pants felt way to tight. He needed out of them. Now. They were both already halfway naked but he needed them to be completely naked.

Cas seemed to read the hunters mind because suddenly his hands were fumbling at Dean's pants.

In a flourished movement he unbuttoned the jeans and pulled down the fly.

Dean lifted his body up slightly so Cas could pull his pants down around his ankles. The hunter lowered himself than proceeded to kick his feet to remove the constricting clothing all together.

Next Dean reached up to the angels pants. Cas was making it rather difficult to complete the task because he kept bending down to kiss Dean and leave little bite marks on his soft skin.

Dean growled in frustration as he struggled with the angels pants.

"Impatient are we?" Cas breathed back smirking.

"Shut up!" The hunter said gasping. Then he took his own and and started massaging Cas though his pants. The angel yelped in surprise and then moaned loudly. After that the pants came off pretty quickly.

The men were now sitting in their underwear alone. Cas was still on top of the hunter leaving love bites all over the place.

Suddenly he moved down and sat between the hunters legs. He started tugging and the mans breifs with his teeth, pulling carefully.

Dean was gasping and panting as the fabric brushed across his dick.

"Son of a bitch! God Damn it man. Just- Ahh! oh God! oh God! Just take the fucking things off already!" Dean said writhing under the angels touch.

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