Black and Blood

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He had been free for three days. Free of responsibility, free of pain, and freed from the burdens of life...

It was strangely enthralling to think about.

This new life was just so unusual and thrilling, yet almost terrifying at the same time.

Dean felt stronger and more powerful than he had ever felt in his entire life. Energy flowed unendingly through his body and each movement was carried out with great swiftness and agility. He couldn't believe just how much power he had now.

He could rule the world with one hand if he wanted to, but that wasn’t what he wanted at the moment.

All Dean wanted to do was fight, drink till his eyes crossed and try to get all the pleasure he could possibly get out of porn and sex.

The ex-hunter thought back a few days. To when he had left that warehouse behind, leaving his friends, family battered and Crowley in shock.

Dean could have sworn he saw a glimmer of fear reflected in Crowley's eyes that day. That look in his eye brought pride to Dean’s heart. He had actually scared the King of Hell. 

Maybe that was why the king hadn't come after him yet. Maybe his plan had never been to capture Dean, but just to turn him to the dark side. Maybe his goal was just to get one Winchester off his tail for good.

Whatever it was, Dean didn’t care. As long as everyone left him alone, he didn’t give a fuck.

Dean remembered seeing his brother’s battered body held tightly by Gabriel who was equally as injured as Sam had been. The demon felt no remorse for that. In fact the memory made him smirk, his sharp teeth glinting menacingly in dim lighting of the room.

Dean's mind tried to flit to the images of Cas, laying broken against the wall, clinging to consciousness, telling Dean that he would never give up on him. The ex-hunter quickly picked up his beer bottle from the bar counter and drained it in two swallows.

He slammed the bottle down onto the counter a little more forcefully than intended and watched as a hairline crack split up the side of the darkened glass.

The bartender, an older, wise looking man, walked over to him and slid another beer towards him.  This was Dean's fifth drink in half an hour. Demonic Dean didn't get drunk like normal Dean did. He could literally drink a case of beer and still walk straight. If it was anything over a case though, Dean would get wasted pretty quickly.

Dean tried to push his mind away from the thoughts of his boyfriend, probably his ex-boyfriend now since he was a demon and all, because thinking of him actually tugged at something deep within his body.

His demonic side tore at his insides whenever he tried to think of any attachments that he once had to Castiel.

It was just easier to not think of it anymore.

Dean nodded a thanks towards the bar tender as he picked up the new beer and wrapped his warm lips and sharp teeth around the bottles mouth.

He considered knifing the guy just for the hell of it, but he was the one providing him with his drinks and it would draw unnecessary attention to himself. Dean didn’t want Sam or Cas to find him. He was on his own now, and he loved it.

Beside him, a woman came to the bar and sat down beside him.

"I'll have what this guy is having.” She said as she gestured towards Dean.

Dean glanced at her quickly, his eyes lingering momentarily on her full breasts and revealing. His eyes raked over the woman hungrily, taking in her every feature.

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