Lose the Black

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It was a gradual thing. Waking up. Like a slow motion film that came in and out focus.

He kept his eyes closed as his head spun in a daze.

Dean could hear voices all around him fading in and out as hushed whispers filled the room around him. Sometimes the voices were there, sometimes they weren’t. At some points he thought he could hear the soft voice of Castiel whispering to him through the darkness that now surrounded him. He had seemed to forgotten where he was for a minute.

That is, until he became aware of the cuffs still clamped tightly around his wrists and ankles. They were the only things that were holding him in place. It wasn’t exactly the most comfortable position in the entire world, but it defiantly wasn’t painful by demon standards.

When Dean finally became completely aware of his surroundings he found that Sam was the only one currently in the room. His brother was engrossed in a book so he didn’t notice the fact that Dean had woken.

Carefully, Dean tried to tug on the chains to see if any of them had come loose, but he was disappointed to find that they were the same as they had been when he got locked up the first place. He quickly gave up his attempt and looked up at Sam again.

He sighed quietly and hung his head in shame. He was tied like a fucking hog when he should be trying to rip his brother’s throat out.

“Any chance of you letting me go?” Dean called to Sam, making him jump.

“You’re finally up?” Sam asked as he marked his book and set it on a small wooden table that must have been moved into the room while he was out.

 “How long was I out?” Dean asked as he looked around the dimly lit room.

“About twelve hours.” Sam replied as he stood and walked closer to Dean. “Cas hit ya pretty hard with his mojo.”

Dean rolled his eyes and growled lightly. “So are you letting me go?” He jiggled the chains around his hands for emphasis.

“Not until we fix this.” Sam insisted.

Dean hissed and fought harder. “What part of stop trying don’t you seem to be getting here?”

“See, I could let you go Dean, but I know that the old you would have wanted me to stop you.” Sam explained as he pursed his lips. “In fact, I think the old you would kick my ass for not just killing you right now. You never wanted to be this.”

“Then just kill me then.” Dean spit. “The old Dean is dead. So just stop this shit, you’re never getting me back!”  

“Dean, if there was one thing that I learned from you over the years, it that I know you don’t give up on family. No matter how bad shit gets, you don’t give up on them.”

“Oh yeah?” Dean roared, “And look where that has gotten us Sam! You’ve died a couple times, Cas has died a handful of time, and God knows I have too! So why not let me go, or send me back down below? They seemed to like me a whole hell of a lot down there!”

“Because we look out for each other Dean!” Sam shouted back. “Our job is more than just hunting! We’re supposed to look after each other.”

“Okay, now you’re pissing me off. If I wasn’t bound in chains like some kinky fifty shades of grey shit I would be ripping out your throat and drinking your demon tainted blood.”

Sam’s face grew hard and his eyes narrowed marginally. Dean knew he was making Sam angry. It was kinda like an unspoken rule between them that the demon blood wasn’t really supposed to be mentioned anymore.

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