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Sat. 10th June 2006

She laid down helplessly with the almost lifeless body of her mother; Inna Salma who was muttering 'hasbunallahi wani'imal wakeel ' continuously, with a tardy breathing pace. Inna Salma could be declared one of the most kind and patient person in the world.

Not knowing what to do, Maryam kept rubbing her palms soothingly while tears assail down her hazel eyes. She was sobbing quietly.

It was pass midnight and raining heavily with pounding thunder. The only source of light is the one coming from the futilar qwai 'the fuel lamp '.

Maryam stood up, carefully detaching herself from her mother and brought an old looking duvet which was the only one they posses and spread it on her. Her mother looked at her with grateful eyes and motioned for her to come close.

It hurts her to look at those now dull eyes while she knew she couldn't do anything about it. She couldn't bring back the glister that was once in them .

She sat close to her mom, the tears brimming down her eyes and blurring her view, she didn't care to wipe them anymore. Inna Salma handed her only daughter the gold necklace which she just removed from her neck.

'I want you to have this, keep it safely with you, you might need it some day'. Inna Salma spoke meekly and breathlessly.

Maryam nodded her head whilst collecting and putting the jewelry around her own neck.

"Maryam I know I'm leaving, and by Allah it's hurts me to leave you in this cruel and timorous dunya. But I want you to know that life isn't something I plan, you plan or anyone plans, but something that Allah plans." Inna Salma stopped to catch her breath before she went on.

"-Allah examinates us to test our iman-faith. I want you to take this as a test upon you from Allah, your father and mother; Inna saude, I want you to obey them, don't upset them, do whatever they ask you to do. I know your a good child, always be that good girl you've always been." Now tears were assailing Inna salma's own eyes whilst she looked at the small window with no curtains and droplets of water coming through.

"I'm always proud of you ,and I know you won't disappoint me. I love you so much Maryam. I'll always be with you in your heart. Always Have courage, Have faith in Allah because that is the only thing that would lead you to a good ending, and be kind!" Inna Salma turned to look at her daughter who was now sobbing really hard and squeezed her hands reassuringly.

"I love you so much Inna, please forgive me." She crooked shaking from the sobs.

"Shhhh I've forgiven you long ago." Maryam laid her head on her mother's chest, listening to her gradual heartbeat,whilst Inna salma caressed her long fulani curls. Not long enough she fell into a sloom.

"Ash-hadu an-la'ilaha illal-lah wa-ashadu anna muhammadar rasulullah." She quickly rose, sitting upright and faced her mother, whose eyes were closed while she muttered the shahadah repeatedly.

"INNA PLEASE DON'T GO, DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE, I'M SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME. INNA DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE I'M GOING TO FOLLOW YOU,..." She sobbed shaking her mother's lifeless body. All went to deaf ears.

"-I'm going to die too." She finished in a whisper.

She sobbed really hard, till she felt drained. Till there was no tears left to be let out. She felt toomed and numb.

She left her, the woman that gave birth to her died...


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