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No matter the situation you find yourself in, no matter the hardship you're going through, someone out there, in this world is going through worst.
Suicide is not an option.


One could easily get irritated by the dark smoke exhaust from large vehicles and burning of refugees by the side of the road. It rose to the sky in all it's stinking glory, creating a thick fog which was difficult to see through. All either scrunch up their nose, or block it and fleet far away from it as fast as they could or change to a safer and less hazardous route. 

That was one of the reasons a middle aged man was astonished to see a young girl walking close to the fire place. He thought she was mad, but even the way she walks proved she wasn't. Traumatized and battered? Yes. But not insane. Even at a good distance away, his eyes caught the slight flare of her nose as she inhaled the smoke deeply. She was dangerously close to the hungry flames, the man looked sideways, as if to confirm if he was the only one witnessing such thing happening.

True, no one seemed to be paying attention to the girl but him. They were all too busy or waiting to see how far the show will stretch. She took another step forward and the man released his chin which rested on his palms like it has burned him. He glanced frantically around again, sighting a group of young men also watching what's going on. Unlike him, they were a little bit closer to her but non of them seemed to be going to stop her. Infact they were recording the scenario with a zeal and interest he found disheartening.

The raising of her foot was all it took for him to jump on his. Hungry flames crawled closer and burned more fiercely at the sight of their food. He ran with all his might, he couldn't just sit down and watch something tragic like this happen before his eyes.

He wondered what is wrong with people these days. We are too much concerned of our mobile devices than anyother thing, that we record every moment of our days simply to post it on social media and be commented on.

There was an accident incident he heard from his friend a few days back. Apparently, two men were involved in an accident. Instead of people to quickly call for help, they were recording the whole scene. And that was how they both lost their lives.

He increased his pace, he didn't care if he was too late. Atleast he tried.


Jane couldn't move a muscle since Maryam left her shop. Her buttocks were soar from sitting in the same position for a long time but she couldn't bring herself to stand. Her breathes were an uneven mess as she unconsciously stared into space, deep in unending thoughts.

Why did she feel like Maryam left a hole in heart which could only be filled by her? Why does she feel bad about letting her go? None of the many questions she has had an answer. But what she does know is that, she had grown so much attached with Maryam in such a short time. No, she didn't want to let her go. Because with her, she felt less lonely. She wanted the emptiness in her pervaded, and Maryam felt just like the right one.

Jane urged herself to stand, her thin legs trembled as she walked but she paid no attention to them. Outside, she hailed a taxi and went in.

"Take a left turn, quickly." She ordered, looking around through the window for a particular slim figure.

Before the driver could carry out the command given to him, a knock on the car's window stopped him. He wound it down and the intruder peeked through.

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