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As she strangled the curtains atween the railings of the window, Maryam contemplated whether to go out and do her routined work or stay back in her room.

To be frank, she's scared. Scared of what to expect from her stepmother. She had hit, slap, tormented, disgraced, dragged her from the only place she found peace . What worse could she do?. As much as she dreaded the only alternative, she knew it was the last .What if Inna Saude is trying to carry out her last wish?, to terminate her too, Just like she did to her mother?.

Shaking slightly, she decided to stay back in her room and await what was coming. She could feel it, any moment onwards, it would be barging through the door.

An hour or less of sleep clearly didn't curate the overwhelming weakness she felt. She spent hours during the night, constantly peeking through her window to see if Yaya Sule's friend had slept. But he never did. He was surprisingly awake all night.

She gave up and slept, her mind swiveling with questions. He said he was her body guard, the word simply unfamiliar and odd to her. She tries to comprehend why he'd just barge in all of a sudden and stay awake all night in the compound of her house. Had he been sleeping all day?.

Bringing all her thoughts to the back of her mind, she closed her eyes, messaging her temples. Her unnerving thoughts has brought back the head ache, not that she was fully fine to begine with. She overheard when the doctor had told Alhaji Dawood to wait a few more days before they get discharged but he had bluntly refused saying that they'll take care of her at home.

Where is he now? Who's taking care of her?. She thought sadly.


Unconsciously, she gripped the now slumped pillow beneath her head. She visibly shook, Forcefully closing her eyes tighter. The clacking of utensils aid in waking her from the remorseful nightmare. She woke up, with a jerk. Pushing her puffy eyes open, she scanned her surroundings to certain herself, it's just a nightmare.

Blood. Screams. Darkness... and most of all Death. It's all mixed up ,even with her eyes evenly wide, it still played over and over in her head. Her heart clench, her breathing erratic, the beads of sweat already slid down and damed her dress.

In and out, she tries to breath. Tries to calm herself down. It's okay, it will be okay. She assured, herself. But deep down,she knew it isn't true. Perhaps if she stops living with a false facade or at least tell herself each time,the bitter truth-it isn't okay,and I doubt it'll ever be___maybe she might feel less dejected and hurt when everything comes crumbling down.

Hot liquids slid down her eyes. Why does she always have the same dreams over and over again?. Either of her mother, or the little boy, who would smile widely at her from afar. At that moment, she wanted nothing else to do than guard him away from anything that'll take away that smile. But as she walks closer to him, she notices something unusual-there's a knife grasped between his palms . As his eyes flicks from confusion to determination, his hands decrease the distance between them and his abdomen. Before she could reach him, the knife had already made a cruel hole on the spot.

And her mother, there's always blood leaking out of her chest. The thoughts alone brought back hot tears from her eyes. When will all this stop?.

"Hi!" A voice greated___a voice she'd been hearing a lot of lately___the person already inviting himself into her room. Maryam quickly wiped her tears, not that the intruder had not already acknowledged it.

"Wa'alaiki salaam." She replied, her voice came out a little harsher than she intended it to be.

The wide smile on Hajiya Bilki's face vanished. But she brought it back right after. She can't let anyone stop them from accomplishing their job.

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