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True to Hajiya Bilki's words, at exactly 7:00am Sharp they were all sat in Alhaji Dawood's silver Sienna heading to a still not-known location to Maryam. The thirty minutes drive was quiet, and Maryam slept through all of it.

Soon enough, they were in what seemed like a railway station. It was only a matter of minutes before the train was in full motion. Hajiya Bilki sat next to Zeenah leaving Maryam no choice but to sit next to a stinking Yoruba woman who seemed to scratch her armpit and check her pause every five minutes.

Such a long ride.

She kept her eyes glued to the side, and her nose far away to inhale pure air. It was her first time to ever go close to a train, talkless of being on it or riding on it. It was sheer esctacy that enveloped her. She imagined herself telling Kandala and Dije about it. A small smiled played on her lips. Her friends. How she wish she could see them again. She misses them so much.

A soft thud cut her thoughts short. She slowly turned, hoping pathetically it's not what she's thinking. The soft snores she heard afterwards confirmed it. Oh Allah. She pushed down a groan, the woman she was desperately trying to keep a great distance from happens to be sleeping __ever so peacefully__on her shoulder.

Maryam deliberated waking her up, but the woman seemed really worn out. She sleeps heavily, peaceful as ever. With a whoosh of breath, she decided against it.

Smart move, Maryam.

She turned, stealing a glance at Zeenah. Maryam was surprised to see Zeenah already staring at her. Something told her she'd been watching her for so long. Weird, but it warmed her heart. Atleast she knew Zeenah guinuely cares for her. Their gazed locked and Maryam found herself not doing the one thing she'll surely do in a similar situation. She didn't look away, and she didn't want to. Neither did Zeenah.

She flashed Maryam an amused smile, the way she fought to keep her lips sealed confirmed that she's holding every being in her not to laugh out. Maryam found herself returning a grin. She is in such an akward posture, someone would think she badly wants to poop and is trying to hold it back.

Then she nodded slightly, as if to say good luck. But then maybe it meant more than that, good of you perhaps. Somehow, they communicated without even speaking a word. Actions they say, is louder than words afterall.

She let out a wary sigh, the load on her getting unbearable on her fragile shoulders. Just then something loud rang, it jolted the woman awake in an instant. Maryam watched as all traces of sleep crept from her face. She brought out an old looking Nokia phone__rakani toilet__ as it's popularly known with from her purse.

"Shello!" The woman spoke into the phone. The nervousness in her voice was easily detected by Maryam. She wondered if this particular call was what made her to check her purse every minute. There was shuffling on the other side of the phone, Maryam couldn't make out what was been said so she zealously watched the woman nod at every syllable been uttered through the phone. Not that she would ask her about the phone call anyways, but she really hoped that it's good news that awaits her.

"Hehhh! I thank God! Ohhhhh lord! I thank you!" The woman praised, not minding at all every one's attention is on her. At last, she was done rubbing her outstretched hand and sputtering all sort of prayers. Mrs Yoruba finally acknowledged the people around.

"My dota gave beth to a bouncing baby boi!" She exclaimed delightedly at the new found audience. Some were kind enough to congratulate her while others decided she's not worth their time, hence moving on with their lives without much of a word. Not that Mrs Yoruba seemed to mind at all.

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