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My current cover is made by tentimileyin .She makes amazing covers! Thank you dear ❣

Author's note below⚠, ⚠most read !⚠


She fixed the hijab on her head and warily sigh. He still hadn't showed up, why is that?. Desperation and worry marred her face as she slowly walked out,counting her steps in the process hoping he might show up.

It's the last day of her iddah and she's finally declared no more married. For the past months, she wakes up every day with the tiny hope of seeing Malik but it gets wicker daily with disappointment, it's like he'd disappeared from the face of earth.

The last few month has been the emptiest ones of her life. The woman that stays with her was a really bad company, almost better than none.

She absebtmindedly stopped at the unfamiliar building, a puzzled expression on her face. Is it really her house?,she looked at the familiar house of Hajiya Nafisa that stood at the right side of her's, it was still there, same as before. Turning her gaze to the left, Alhaji Sama'ila's house was still there. Then it had to be her house.

'Maryam?'. A close voice called as she absebtmindedly turned her gaze to the questioning ones of Kandala.

'Wat ha you comen here?'. Kandala asked.

'Um-uh- I came to greet them? '. She said the only thing that came to her mind. It was supposed to be an answer but it came out more like a question.

'Greet them? Why you greet the wuman that suffer you?!'. She asked yet again.

'Haha,you see there's this thing I need to carry, yes that's why I came '. She laughed nervously, hoping she could convince Kandala to drop it. That seems to have convinced Kandala because she nodded and asked Maryam about her well-being and bid farewell after a moment.

She breathed out a shaky breath of relief looking at the retreating figure of Kandala, she most certainly isn't ready to tell anyone that she'd been divorced after just two days of marriage. It's going to be the hot news for the next 5 years in the whole village!

She slowly walked in with a salam, Inna Saude's figure is the first thing she sighted, she is carefully counting notes of 500 nairas but she swiftly hid them when she saw Maryam. Maryam couldn't help but let her eyes wander around the house,it had completely changed. The muddy sand that was used to build the house is now replaced with bricks, the walls are now painted to a brown shade, and all the rusty and metallic doors are replaced with wooden, modern ones. Everything was changed and prettified.

Her questioning gaze finally landed on Inna Saude who'd been observing her with raging eyes since she set foot into the house. She hissed at Maryam and packed all her money before pacing to her room without an utter of a word. Maryam sigh, 'I wonder when all this would stop, when will she ever look look at me without violence?'. She thought as she made her way to her room.

She placed her hand on the handle of her new room's door,she let it linger there for some seconds feeling the smoothness of it before She pushed the handle down and opened the door. The view before her left completely dazed. The room is now painted with the same plain shade of brown, but what caught her attention was the small sized bed and mattress that stood closed to the farrest wall. Now she was completely tongue-tied and puzzled, is her father all of a sudden millionaire??

Pushing her thoughts aside, she ran her hands on the mattress before dropping on it . A giggle escaped her lips as she felt her body sinking into the bed . What a sweet temporal thing!!!.


Tardily, she entered Inna Saude's room with a salam, a plate of rice and stew in her hands. As usual Inna Saude didn't answer her salam but glared at her impatiently. She made her way to the enormous sofa Inna Saude was sitting on all the while her gaze wandering around the room, from the middle sized LG television that proudly sat on the stand currently playing a hausa film, she read the title on the top of the screen 'Basaja' was written boldly as the name of the film, her gaze flew to the modern sofas that decorated the room. The shade of paint also contributing in making the room heaven-like.

'Zaki bani abincin ko sena mutu da yunwa?! '(Will you bring the food or till I die of hunger?!). She increased her pace and reached Inna Saude in no time presenting the plate of food to her. Maryam kept her eyes glued at the food that was stretched in her hands to her stepmother, beats of sweat lining on her forehead. Inna Saude didn't collect the food neither did she say anything, but Maryam could fell her gaze piercing through her head. She gulped in her position, anxiously awaiting what is coming to her.

'Ni banda bakin kwadayi ne dazaki sa min miya er kadan?!'. (So I don't have the mouth to taste tasty things that you'd put a small amount of stew?!'). Her hands flew in a swift landing on Maryam's right cheek making her let out a piercing scream and clutching her cheeks, which sent the plate to the ground and it's content tooming.

'Inna dan Allah kiyi hakuri '. Maryam begged from where she was on the ground whilst Inna Saude furiously uses her foot to hit her . Inna Saude had been like a tickling bomb for the past few weeks that Maryam had been in the house, she was always looking for a slight reason to beat the hell out of Maryam. Sometimes she wouldn't stop till she pass out. And also refuses her food for two or more days.

It pains, everywhere pains, she stopped begging, she didn't have any energy left to, instead she looked motionless in space whilst each hit resonates into her body with hard impact making her bleed internally. Soon,the pains were fading, becoming numb and faint. Her body was giving up as she tried to inhale sufficient oxygen to keep the tiny string of life left in her intact.

Her breathing was coming out siezingly as she fights to keep her eyes open. But it seems like everything in her is giving up, too weak to fight further.

And soon enough, the familiar darkness surrounds her yet again...


That was my face up there, :-(. We're gonna have a war with Inna Saude 😤. Who's with me? Make una go bring your Ak78's 😠😬.

Hw re y'all doing?

Apart from the fact that I feel like crying whenever I remember I'm resuming school soon, I'm perfectly fine.

■This might and might not be the last chapter I'm writing before my school starts. Updates would be very slow now on. Sorry guys😓. I'd try to pose a new chapter before I resume buh I hope you guys understand if I couldn't make it 😰

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, if you did ,do make the little star full with colour with your amazing powers and send your thoughts to me. Have I ever said I love reading your comments?, they literary make my week!😄. Do make this short gal happy! 🤗🤗

*goes back to fetch another another cup of yoghurt so she could pose a new chapter ASAP *


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