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Assalamu alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh. I pray you're all  in a complete state of health in this period of pandemic. If you're reading this and you're fine, say "Alhamdulillah " and also a prayer for those that are sick. These are trying times, it'll pass bi'iznillah. Until then, wash your hands, stay home and safe ❤



Such a breathtaking sight it is from the rocking chair. The view was clear from up there, soothing the eyes with a rain of vibrant colours. Orange, violet, yellow, lilac and alot of others you knew not exist at all, blended in thesame field and living in harmony to yield the most pleasant scent one could ever perceive. The gentle wind stroked the flowers, rocking some of their petals gently around. Just watching this induced so much calm into her mind. For a moment, she forgot all that she went through, nothing mattered because she felt safe and away from all the mess she had went through. For a moment, she felt okay. But that is what sucks isn't it? It's just for a moment. Just for a little time before everything is back to is former self. Before she's back to that painfull reality where nothing seems to be in order. That reality she has being in for the past sixteen years but still hadn't figure out it's pattern, the one she had been stumbling in from one end to another helplessly.

She wish she can be like these flowers. Simple, beautiful and loved by everyone. Then she won't have to be scared of being tormented, abused or simply not being able to fit in. She'll be happy and loved. And even when she's plucked, she can still grow back.

"They're beautiful. Aren't they?" Maryam starred at her blankly. Her mind thinking of how this woman is best at nothing but pulling her out of her thoughts. Maryam looked through her face. Her smooth, flawless face. Her skin which lacked a single spot was groomed neatly, appearing silky and glistered before Maryam's eyes. Maryam bet so was her back too, and whole body. Unlike her own, which has been adorned with scars from different lashes. Her face, which she dared not look at the mirror to see, must have been ugly now. That's what she is, damaged.

Maryam had the urge to ask this woman why she's hellbent in repairing something that has been damaged beyond repair. Why is she hellbent in sighting the sun at midnight? Why is she trying to repair something that had no hope in itself, something that sees no light at the end of the tunnel. But she refrained herself because she wouldn't want the smile on her face gone just because she herself had lost the ability to smile. So, she returned her question with a small nod and continued to gaze at the field of flowers.

Mrs Sabeeha handed Maryam the cup of hot chocolate. She was thrilled, no doubt, because Maryam had actually attempted to talk for the first time in their therapy sessions. Although she backed out, Mrs Sabeeha had still marked that as a progress in her work. Slow and steady, they'll get there.

"Maryam, you know we're here to talk about you. I'm here to help you get over your past but I can't do that until you open up and tell me what happened to you. Look at me as your friend not your therapist okay? You can trust me." Mrs Sabeeha paused to see whether she'll get a response from Maryam. When she got none, she smiled.

"I guess we're done for today. Don't hesitate to call me whenever you're ready to talk. See you next Friday." She got up and escorted Maryam to her car where the driver has been patiently waiting for them, then she went up to her own car and drove away. Mrs Sabeeha had specifically chose this venue bacause of the fear of tight, small and closed areas by the victim.


The car drove into the gigantic mansion and parked in the parking lot beside other vehicles. Hajarah whom was standing by the front door welcomed Maryam back merrily.

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