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Maryam. (cause the chappie was weird in third person POV 😂)


'Inna '. I called upon my mother softly, looking at her glistering brown eyes. I smiled widely at her whilst She engulfed me in a hug and rested my head on her shoulder, I held her firmly afraid she might slip out of my grasp. I took the opportunity to smell her familiar scent and looked ahead at the hem of her white cloth that rested on the marvelous flowers which lidded the whole field releasing a wonderful fragrance.

'I missed you Inna '. I murmured, loosing my grip around her back, afraid I might ruin her spotless gown.

'Inna say something '. I said again when I didn't get any reply. I broke the hug to look at her. Only then I realized the red liquid that is oozing out of her chest. I gasped and looked back at her dull and lifeless features.

Slowly, she began slipping out of my grasp. I fell on the ground with her sobbing and rested her head on my tigh then rested my forehead on her's with my eyes firmly shut. A nafarious laugh echoed through the field as I raised my head. It wasn't the same flower field I was in moments ago, but in what looked like a jungle. Different wild trees surrounded me as I scanned around looking for the possessor of the voice.

I didn't spot any one from the little light that illuminated the portion I was on. Curiousity got the best of me as I raised my head to the source of my light, the moon. I let out a scream as I saw the moon was completely red not the ordinary colour white. My mother's figure was no where to be found too, it's like it'd disappeared into the thin air.

The nafarious voice boomed again with laughter as I panickly started running ahead . Branches of trees managing to brush through my skin leaving sour cuts, each leaving me with a wince. No, I can't stop. I had to keep going.

'I will get you!'. The voice chants unceasingly and loudly, too loud that it hurt my ears . I placed my hands on each ear trying to avoid the voice but instead I felt the voice now screaming in my head.

My legs were giving up on me as I lowered to the ground still clutching my ears.

'Cry !'. A voice said.

'Break!'. Another voice said.

'Die! '. And they were chanting, all around me.

I abruptly opened and closed back my eyes due to the blinding light. I blinked a few times before adjusting to the light.

"It was just a nightmare." I convinced myself, or atleast tried to. I hadn't had nightmares since after a year of my mother's death. I mostly had them when there's heavy downfall and pondering thunder.

I scanned around the room I'm in, everything is in a plain white shade. Where I'm I?. I asked no one in particular.

"We must do something really fast. Things are getting out of hand!" A feminine voice said which send me rescanning again for the possessor. It took my brain a couple of seconds to realize the voice belonged to Hajiya Bilki who sat opposite me by the farrest corner of the room. Clad in her usual expensive and well sewn atampha.

"Your right, Let's just wait till she wakes up now." The person who sat infront of her replied. I could pin point him even with the size of his head and body, Alhaji Dawood. A feeling set at the pit of my stomach, what was I expecting? That I'll wake up to find a worried Inna Saude? . Yeah, that'll be the day fishes grow limbs.

Hajiya Bilki nodded at him and went back to using her phone still unaware that I'm awake. She said something about things are getting out of hand. What is that supposed to mean?. Does it have to do with me ?

Ofcause it has to do with you, what part of the let's just wait till she wakes up didnt you understand?!. My subconscious muttered. Right .

A light cough escaped my mouth which caught the attention of the duo. I tried to sit up but failed as a sharp pain penetrates through my head . I groaned and rubbed my temple with my left hand which didn't have a drip attached to it.

"Careful, just relax okay." Hajiya Bilki reached out for me ,a worried expression on her face as she adjusted the pillow underneath me. My heart swelled at the longlost feeling, she cares.

Just in cue, a doctor came into the room.

"Ah she's awake." He acknowledged, checking the files in his hands.

"Does something hurts?" He asked me. I nodded.

"My head." I croked to which he nodded this time. He said something to Hajiya Bilki and Alhaji Dawood which I didn't bother listening to instead kept massaging my temple. A few moments later, the doctor and Alhaji Dawood went out of the room living me with Hajiya Bilki. She dragged a chair and sat close to me,silently observing me.

"What happened?" I asked breaking the akward tension.

"You've been unconsciously for the past two days." She uttered. It wasn't exactly a statement. It was like an explain-further-to-me statement.

"Water please." I ignored her tone and turned away so that I'm now looking at the ceiling. Moments later, Alhaji Dawood came back gripping two leather bags, one containing food and fruits and the other containing drugs.


I rested my head on the car's window and stared out at the passing buildings, enthralled by the beauty of colours. Lost in my thoughts, I haven't realised that we've came to a halt at my house till Hajiya Bilki called my attention. We alighted and entered the house. Hajiya Bilki and Alhaji Dawood went to Inna saude's room whilst I went straight to my room and laid down on by bed with my eyes closed. Several minutes later, I heard footsteps in the direction of my room.

"Maryam, you take care of your self okay?. We'll be on our way now. Till next time." She smiled at me from the doorstep. I smiled back gratefully at her.

I could feel my heart squeeze as the pain came rushing in. I didnt know what to expect from Inna Saude anymore.

She's capable of doing anything to see me in pain, she feeds on it, she lives for it. And I, I'm not staying anymore. I wouldn't stay here and rot in pain.

I've made my decision;

Tonight when the moon sets in, I'll run away. I'd go out there and hunt for-hopefully__a better life.


Aslm! Hihi *waves frantically *
It's I! And I came with a something with me 😋.

Did you enjoy the chapter? If you did, as usual make the star full with colour and send me your incredible thoughts!.

I've been leaving hints in the few last chapters. Who had solved the puzzle yet??. What do you think would happen next??.

Answer correctly and your name shall become a character 😉.

Till next time!XD


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