Chapter 2-18 years in the empire

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18-years later
hicca said: Lets see how my brother is doing for 18 years
stoick and valka in exited to see what happen to their son
A bunch of  soldier legion moving silently in the forset preapear for an ambush(the soldier feels like the roman legioners with camoflage just check the original fanfic)
stoick thought:hmm what are they planning??

A Commander with custiomised legion uniform brown glove with camouflage decal. Heavy steel and leather boots reaching to just below the knee and an armour patch on the knee with a untility belt with tools,throwing knives,daggers,various explosive,spare crossbow bolt,ration supplies and a self forge collapsible sword in its sheath complete with kama to indicat he's a dragon rider and senior officer

The viking admire and awe on the suit the soldier and commander wearing its high tech and uniquieness(is that a real word??) on there soldiers

Fishlegs eyes were glued to the screen  and trying to figure out how it was made and work especialy those weird cylinders astrid was admiring the suit pretty protective and figureing out how it will change the battle drasticly

A encampment was spotted when the soldier reach the end of the forest.The legion move slowly until they hear ratteling noise the commander's fist raised up to halt the legion when a butch of raptors(close reletive of the speed stinger just bigger and no stinger)  with riders aproach the commanders for there report

Fishlegs: what dragon is that??

Boltic: that is a Raptor Belived to be a close reletive of a speed stinger but they lack the stinger on the tail and there wingless and the raptors are the fastest land runner known to man the draconica domesticated them for scouting mission

fishleg while writing what i said down asked:wait dragon can be domesticated? but i thought there just mindless creature?

Boltic said grimly : oh they can fishlegs they can

Valka was happy that there was a empire that loves dragons atleast she's not the only one who belive

tuffnut:so if we go to these empire we get our own dragon! oh i can smell the destruction my dear sister

ruffnet: indeed i can already smell and plan what we can do

The Viking Paled what the twin will do with a dragon the twins are already destructive enough but with dragons that is alot of mayhem

Stoick: No one is going to that empire with these demon got it!!

viking just seat down quietly and the twins moan with disapointment

Hicca was curious of the raptor and just went and scetch the new dragon but she's wondering where is he's brother?

Lead scout: Commander we've scouted the perimeter around the encountered no patrols we have straight shot into their base

Commander: good spread yourselves among the line and follow silently. we're going in

The legion move agion to the edge of the clearing forest

commander : Counting seven guards, the rest of the Norn must be in the tents scouts take them out simultaneously with your crossbows

Scout #1:Affirmative commander

the scouts take there crossbow and prime and ready

Scout #1:Ready......Aim.........Fire..

Seven crossbow bolts hit the seven guard without enyone noticing

gobber: now that was fine shot those scout did

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