Chapter 6:New friends

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After the last chapter, the three teens finally entered the theater room with their face white as snow and having a haunted expression in their face, while valka just smile seat back in her seat with her staff beside her.

Boltic tried to remove her staff but she threatens him that she will do what she did to the kids but more painfully.bolts first made something in his hand and eagerly agreed on her keeping her staff.he may have not be sane. but he's not stupid to mess with girls or women in general 

"W-what did miss Haddock do Chief?"Asked a Scared Fishlegs

"Trust me fishlegs you do not want"The chief shudder from the memories when he jumps to that boundary it was a very bad idea.

Valka feels like she wants to hit her husband but she does not know why.

Hiccup after feeling cosy and settle in the village inn follow Hicca's advice and go to the great hall.

Inside the great hall, Astrid was seated on their usual table with the rest of the teens. Snotlout was still scowling over the beating he had received from the man they now knew as Ryder. Astrid actually began to like the guy. He was a person with a feeling of honour and he punched Snotlout right in the face, she could respect that.

"If I ever get my hands on that Ryder guy I'm going to snap his neck." 

Hiccup roll his eyes"if you reach me"earning chuckles from the vikings and a fuming snotlout

"Yeah like you could even get close enough without dying." 

"He got the drop on me the last time, that won't happen again."

Astrid rolled her eyes at snotlout's 'claim'

At that moment Hiccup entered the great hall and started to look around for a seat. When he found one he started to walk in the direction of the teens.

 "Uh guys, he's coming towards us." Fishlegs squeaked. After he heard what happened from Astrid he was a little bit scared of the mysterious traveller. 

"Good let him come." Snotlout said. Astrid only watched with interest. 

This man had something about him she couldn't quite place. They were all very surprised when he blatantly ignored them and continued his path towards a table with only one occupant. 


The teens look at Hiccup with strange looks which hiccup look with a raised eyebrow

"What? it makes sense to go who you first met than the one who I have beaten up"Hiccup just grinned at the red face of Snotlout and steam coming out of his ear.

This got out laughter out of the twins, while Fishlegs and Astrid try to hold their own.

Snotlout glared at Fishlegs when hes holding his laughter which elec a squeak out of him

"What are you laughing at Fishface" that shut him up

"Mind if I sit here?" Hiccup asked startling her.

"Whoa, um sure. Be my guest." Hicca answered. In truth, she was happy he joined her. 

Hiccup set down his plate and sat down. He removed the mask in front of his mouth but kept his hood up. Concealing his face so he couldn't be recognised. 

They both ate silently. Hicca didn't ask any questions, she was just happy someone was willing to sit with her.

"Why is he sitting with useless? Doesn't he know she's bad luck?" Snotlout questioned the rest of the gang. 

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