Prolog:The Prophecy and the Raid

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Then the movie start in a raid going good torches hoisted sheeps taken away houses burning screams of battle cry can be heard everywhere

Stoick,Valka,Gobber and the older viking bow down with respect this is the day there chief loose there first child/Heir

Stoick Shouted:Get them away from the food storage and great hall! Box These Devils in!

Gobber Reported:Were driving them back Stoick,it won't be long the beasty's retreat!

Stoick said :good, when this is over I'll be happy to go back home and... :got inturrupted

When a big massive stormcutter broked into the house of the cheiften

Stoick mutterd to himself:i just wish that four wing demon just keep out of our home.:sadly no heard except for Valka still remembering that day Valka hug Stoick to keep him from breaking down

Hicca got curious why the dragon is going to her house and why is it interested

Stoick run as fast as he can while valka had already reached the house and rushed inside grabbing the nearest sword whilist running to the room of little hiccup.But when she enter she saw shock and stopped dead on her tracks,The Stomcutter playing with hiccup and hiccup with little or no FEAR

all the viking got curious to why is that looks like playing they thought there mindless demon and just go for the kill. thoughts got short when Hicca Shouted

Hicca shouted:I got a Brother!?!?!

Stoick said: Yes Hicca you got a brother

valka said: and that day is we lost him.

when valka dropped the sword the noise shocked the dragon and accidently scratch the chin of hiccup and the dragon is trying to apologist in a dragon way with a facial expression that look like....guilt

valka confirmed:and that day is my proof that they are gentle creatures

vikings said:ya but they still raid us before that is unquestioned

they are still mindless creatures to me

ya they killed my family those demon

Valka sighed and mutterd: viking mind can never be changed

then stoick almost literally burst through the wall and like acting and instinct chucked his battle axe towards the four winged dragon the storm cutter scared for his life spray the room with fire while panicing effectively setting the entire house ablaze. it also knock valka against the wall making her unconscious stoick try to saves his wife succsessfully

the dragon look at the child untill deciding to take the child with him and take flight to the south

Stoick whispered to himself with deafeat:Hiccup no.....

Stoick and Valka have tears on there eyes when they watch this scene few older viking feels bad to the haddok family when they do so much for the tribe

Hicca feeling a bit mad and sad mad bec that dragon took his brother and sad that his father and mother are pretty sad and that he will never see his brother

or so they thought

angus hofferson was watching and monitoring the outgoing fishing boats catching fish while thinking about the lost heir

Spitelout said while doing a fake sadness: A pity the boy got taken isn't it

Stoick got a suspecious glare to spitelout and spitelout just sink to his seat

Angus said:You sound like you are actually happy that the boy is gone spitelout?

Spitelout said :we both know the boy wouldn't have lived long angus.he wasn't strong or viking like were better off without him as an heir

many viking glares at spitelout intensified

Angus angrily said:You don't know that Spitelout, he could have grown up to be the most power viking in the archipelago for all you know. and he was you your nephew for thor's sake don't you care care at all!?!?!

Spitelout said smugly:Berk would be better of with a strong,viking like heir.Like my son You know your daughter could serve as an exellent wife

Snotlout smugly said: see were really suppose to be toge-AHHHH;interupted when astrid twist his arm

astrid said angrly: IN-YOUR-DREAMS!!SNOTLOUT!!!

Angus sseethed angrly:Over my dead body Spitelout, I will never argree to that. And neither will my daughter. I will also never allow you to take power or defy stoick. Mark my works spitelout this will come to haunt you later

Boltic muttered to himself:And haunt it shall

Angus goes to find the ingermans and gobber to form the loyalist and the start of the story

ok the special guest has arrive!!!:boltic said

then a guy wearing a brown/green for and leather outfit also having a hood clock and cloth facemask

Viking saw him and wispered about the new guy

Boltic said: Ok you sit over there near those teens don't romove it yet its going to be a big suprise

the guy just nodded and sit near the teens while looking quiet curious to who these people are.

teen except for hicca just wispered to who the guy might be and why is he here

hicca just stared to the stranger with weird looks and she saw was green eyes in the mask but she just leave it alone

Wat did you think just comment on the movie dialog to make your own reaction to characters if you want to have fun!!!

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