Chapter 4:This is berk

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(2 weeks later) In berk

It can be seen astrid woke up getting dressed(rtte) and going outside

Astrid is walking to the direction to the great hall with a great mood

Hicca:huh i never seen you like this astrid?

Astrid:just wait for it....

Snotlout:Hey there babe.Slept well?.dream't about me?

Hicca:huh nvm

astrid was just glaring at snotlout while snotlout sink to his seat avoiding the glare

Astrid use the flat astrid axe head being smashed in his face

Everyone winced except for astrid and Boltic

Astrid is just to use to smashing snotloit with her axe And Boltic's is just pump his hand and laughing.

the viking stared at boltic then turn to watch the movie.

Astrid:Beat it Snotlout that's never going to happen! Ever!

then astrid leaves with a sour mood to the great hall

Snotlout:Don't worry babe one day you'll be mine.

astrid intensified glare to snotlout
while boltic reapear between them the vikings think he going to stop the violence but its the complete oposite

Boltic snap his finger then astrid got back her axe then said"Come on Astrid show a little violence

then astrid smashed snotlout with the flat axe everyone is just staring while boltic just laugh his ass off

Stoick:you wizard are you a sane?

boltic:oh of course not if i was you all been dead ages ago

Astrid one inside quikly gets her breakfast and made her way to the teen's regular table. She was joined by fishlegs , The twins and snotlout.

hiccup narrow his eye and notice someone is missing

Hiccup:Hey um Sis why are you not on the table?

Hicca:oh umm well you see....they don't want me in that table bec i am usless

Hiccup:Oh no one is useless everyone is useful you just have to find it.

hicca smile for the first time in well long time.

Fishlegs:so i heard trader johann will be arriving today anyone looking for anything in particular?

Astrid:No not really, I'm just going to look if he has anything interesting

Tuffnut: I hope he has some new weapons
Ruffnut:Yeah some really destructive ones

Gobber Barged in the greal hall and says

Trader Johann is here!

hiccup:huh so Sir johann is also at Berk hes...Very interesting.

Hicca:so he also went to Draconia?

Hiccup nodded

Viking and the teens rushed outside to the docks

Johann arrived and rushed by fishlegs

Fishlegs:Joahnn got eny thing new for me?

Johann:Yes master Fishlegs of course, I just returnes from traders island with some new and exciting books

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