Chapter 14

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Time passed by, days into weeks and weeks into months.

Zaria was on the 6th month of her pregnancy and as her stomach grew bigger Zaeems protective and possessive behaviour did do.

Along side all that, the trips to the doctor were also quite frequent, ultra sounds and check ups. As the doctor stated several times, the baby was completely fine and healthy.

Just a week ago Ali came over to their house, he said he wanted to 'test Zaeems cave man behavior'.

Zaria shrugged in response, just when they heard Zaeem walking through the halls towards their direction, Ali quickly let out a loud laugh to get his attention and said,

"My look at how big your stomach has gotten,"

He winked at Zaria and was about to place his hand on her stomach.

Just as he was about to touch her a large hand shot out and wrapped around Zaria's waist and lower back, pulling her flush against a muscular frame.

"Don't touch my woman," Zaeem growled darkly, tightening his hold on Zaria. His metallic grey eyes were dark with fury.

Zaria lifted her wide brown eyes to look at Zaeem with disbelief.

By God, if he turned into a werewolf she wouldn't be surprised, all he did was growl and pull her to him every chance he got. He needed physical attachment, touching her stomach (a lot), her hands, her hair, kisses everywhere.

Zaria on the other hand would get the weirdest cravings on the weirdest of times, Zaeem joked about weird cravings but she shrugged it off saying it only happened in the movies. 

She was proved wrong when at 2 in the morning she would wake Zaeem up to order her Chinese take out, then she even ate spiced pickles (which she hated), to say Zaeem was shocked would be an understatement.

Her food proportions had grown exceptionally, Zaeem would feed her more, if she would have less than a serving of 2 people's food Zaeem would make her eat more.

And he had also confiscated all of Zaria's heels, all she had in her wardrobe was sandals, slippers and shoes. The man was crazy.

Every morning he wouldn't leave the house for work till he had seen her finish an entire glass of orange or mango juice, always monitoring her eating routine. He would also carry her up the stairs.

A month ago they had to attend a friend's wedding which was in a hotel two stories high, the elevator as Zaeem said looked 'risky'. So he picked her up, in front of a crowd full of people and carried her two floors up bridal style. Zaria was mortified.

And now this is what was happening.

"Be good for mommy ok, you've been hurting her a lot now, once you come out you'll be grounded till you're two," Zaeem said, as Zaria lay on the bed against the headboard and Zaeem in his office attire in the morning, his hands on her stomach as he gently lay above her.

"You're going to get late," Zaria said, running her hands through his hair.

He groaned and placed his head on her stomach,

"save me from your mother's wrath, she doesn't want me home," he whined, and Zaria giggled, he looked like an injured puppy.

"Zaeem you're getting late, go," Zaria reprimanded.

He sighed and leaned up and placed a kiss on her lips, Zaria kissed him back and things got heated quick (as usual).

His tongue was sliding against hers and his hand was on her breast, squeezing. Zaria moaned and dug her nails into his shoulder and a satisfied growl escaped his chest.

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