VII: Mr. and Mrs. Black

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"Sorry to interrupt your moment" Mrs. Black apologies. "Oh! By the way, this is my husband Pitch Black" pointing at Pitch who was staring at them. "Pitch, this is Mr. Jack and Mrs. Elsa Frost. They are our new neighbor"

''It is pleasure to meet you, Sir." Elsa smiled and gracefully raised her hand for a handshake.

Pitch takes it and gently shakes it, "No need to call me sir, just Pitch," he said with a bass voice. Then he looked at Jack, "I already know Mr. Jack"

"Really?" Mrs. Black asked her husband.

"He is the new General Manager in our store branch here in Rise Town." Pitch answered his wife, "I just didn't know that they were our new lovely couple neighbor" Pitch gave his wife a little smile.

"Lovely?" Elsa and Jack looked at each other then looked back at the couple in front of them.

"What a coincidence!" Mrs. Black said with enthusiasm. "Oh! I hope you don't mind but I've been telling him stories of how lovely and sweet couple you two." Mrs. Black smiled sweetly.

Elsa smiled sweetly at the couple. She snaked her hand in Jack's waist and lean a little bit on him. Elsa felt her body relax hearing Jack's heartbeat. She was hoping their act is convincing.

Jack did his very best to hid the feeling of uncomfortable in the closeness of their body but why does he felt like their body is a perfect match?

"Preparing for dinner?" Mrs. Black curiously looking at their cart, then her eyes lit up like she for a good idea. "Why don't we eat dinner together" Mrs. Black looked at Pitch then back to their new neighbor, "It will be our welcome dinner for the two of you. Oh! Don't worry I'll cook"

'This is an opportunity! Thanks to the gods and goddess!' Both Elsa and Jack thought.

"Thank you for the offer." Jack smiled. "It's our pleasure to eat dinner with my boss' family" trying his best to look innocent in front of their target, "So where? Your place or ours?"

"Our place" Mrs. Black volunteer to be the host of this dinner and she couldn't contain the excitement. Pitch stood there quietly letting his wife do whatever she wants while his arms were still wrapped around his wife's waist.

Elsa felt an uneasiness rising inside of her as Pitch keeps on staring at them.

Didn't he know that it is rude to stare!

Jack was hoping that his acting is good and very convincing. He's not used to acting intimately with someone let alone with a woman. The role was very dangerous. Acting as a couple with a stranger may compromise the mission.

"Perfect!" Elsa said excitedly concealing her uneasiness, "I was planning to bake a cake as a repay for the delicious cookies that you gave us just this morning"

"Oh, that would be great!" Mrs. Black said happily. "So, see you two tonight then" Pitch stare at them for few seconds before he and his wife left.

Jack sighed and Elsa moved away from him thinking that they don't need to act as a couple anymore. The warmth of her body in him immediately replaced by the cold air, making him shivered a little. His body was telling him to stay close to Elsa but he restrains himself from doing that.

Why would he do that in the first place?

Jack cleared his throat, "So you bake?" Elsa just nodded as they moved to the baking section to look for the ingredients she needs. "What's your specialty?"

"You're not paying attention to the meeting?" Elsa asked reading the contents of the product.

"What?" Jack was expecting an answer not another question.

"Did you?" Elsa looked at him as she put the ingredient in the cart.

"Of course, I do," he said defensively. He was paying attention to the meeting; it's just that he was a little bit distracted.

"Really?" She raised her eyebrows as she stared at Jack thinking about something.

Jack looked uncomfortable under her gaze making her laughed and lightly shaking her head a little and went beside him.

'Did I just think that her laugh is music in my ear? Oh, gods! There something wrong with my ears.' Jack shook his head mentally.

"Then let's see if you paid attention in the meeting" Elsa smile mischievously challenging Jack. "So, what's your undercover name? Graduated from? How we first met?" She asked for the most basic information.

"Jack Frost, State University of Guardians, and we first met at the Troll's foundation while you were teaching the kids and I was there to represent my company as one of the foundation's sponsors" Jack answered monotonously.

"Good" Elsa smiled, impressed by his answer.

Jack feels like it's a boost of his confidence. Thank gods! He read that part.

"What's my profession? My maiden name?" Elsa asked other sets of questions.

"You're a professor and volunteer to teach kids at troll's foundation. Elsa Oaken" Jack grinned like he was proud of himself for answering the question. It was a simple question but still, he is proud of himself. Jack complements himself as he remembers what was written in the documents.

Does that remind him, isn't her real name is Elsa Oaken?

Isn't too risky to use a real name in undercover jobs?

"Hey," He called her attention as she was intently looking at the shelves. "Your real name is Elsa Oaken, right? Then why are you using it in this mission? Isn't too risky or it will compromise our mission." He looked at her frowning trying to figure it out.

Elsa shut her lips tightly forming a line. She didn't know that he will figure it out that fast. She looked at him and smiled.

'Oh! Come on!' Jack groaned silently. That smile is very dangerous, dangerous enough to make his heart skip a beat for no reason. He feels like he's having a heart attack.

"I'm impressed," Elsa said pushing the cart towards the cashier, dodging his question. "You listen well in the meeting"

Is she insulting him?

"I'm still waiting," Jack said standing there looking at Elsa as she put the items on the cashier table. His arms were crossed against his chest.

"Waiting for what?"

"For your answer" he sternly said.

"My answer?" Elsa innocently asked.

Jack sighed, "I'm asking you..."

"Thank you" she ignored Jack and smiled at the cashier. She pulled his hand, "let's go home" Jack carried the plastic bag for Elsa "I don't want to be late for tonight's dinner."

Jack sighed again as they walked towards the car with their hands entwined. She ignored his question while he answered all of her questions.

Really? What kind of attitude is that?!

Elsa keeps her mouth shut. 'I'm sorry Jack.' She silently said.


WORD COUNT: 1163 words
EDITED: 12/08/2020

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