XXV: Suspicious

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Jack was working so hard in the investigation and careful enough so no one in the office will catch him. He needs to get this job done so he and Elsa can have a simple life and can go on date freely. He promises Elsa that he will finish this quickly and he never broke any promise he made.

Each passing day, he treasures all the memories with her. They didn't even need to act in front of other people. They do what a couple that is in love with each other do.

He was considering proposing for real to Elsa. It was insanely fast but he was very sure that Elsa was the woman he wants to grow old with. He couldn't think of any woman but her.

Every night they do they nightly escapade in his room. He knew the consequence of doing it every night but he would be delighted if they finally created a new life. He would use it to tie Elsa to him and he won't let his offspring to be a bastard.

But his happy days were cut short. Lately, he could feel that Elsa was distancing herself from him. There was one night that he woke up in the middle of the night and he was alone in his bed. He searches for her inside the house only to found her in the dining room, typing on her laptop with the phone in her ear. She was busy that she didn't even notice Jack watching her. He shrugged off all the uneasy thoughts in his mind. He thought that Elsa was doing her job in the investigation so they could finish it quickly.

But it was not just one night; it was repeated day by day, night by night. It was getting worst especially every time he woke up he will go to the dining area just to see his breakfast and a note minus Elsa.

In the note, she was informing him that she was going somewhere but she didn't write where or why. She was even coming home pretty late. He didn't even have the chance to ask her.

Today was his day off and was planning to date her but she refuses. She said she needs to go somewhere. He was trying to understand everything but his mind was starting to get suspicious of Elsa's action.

When Elsa left their house, he went to his car and followed her. His curiosity was eating him and he needs to know where Elsa was up to.

He saw Elsa hail a taxi and he followed it a few distances away. He was very careful so Elsa wouldn't notice it. He parked his car in the distance when he saw the taxi stop in the cozy café. He stayed in his car and his eyes followed Elsa's every move.

He tightly gripped the steering wheel when he saw something unacceptable in his eyes. Elsa was walking straight to the man and kisses him in the cheeks. They were smiling at each other.

What the hell?!


Elsa was planning everything so that she can protect her sister, her sister's family, and Jack. Every day she was contacting her sister and asking if they were okay. She remembers one of their conversations over the phone.

Elsa's phone rang and she immediately answered it. "Hello? Is everything okay?"

"Elsa... Um..." Anna was hesitating.

"What is it?" Her heartbeat throbbed painfully in her chest thinking something went wrong.

"We have a problem," Anna said.

"Problem?" She worriedly questioned.

"The council were starting to question your absences in the meeting" Anna answered, "They asked why you haven't shown up these past years and they were also questioning why am I the one handling all your royal duties and they were asking where is the Royal adviser too. They said that you were showing yourself in the meeting every once a year."

"Who brought up this topic?" She asked. She was away for 5 years and they just notice now. Why now?

"It was Duke Weaselton"

"So they are on the move" She mumbled.

After that conversation with her sister, she immediately thinks of a plan. She needs to plan ahead. She will do everything just to make sure everybody was safe even though it can put her life in danger. Her sister was right; she tends to do something reckless.

She was little by little distancing herself to Jack and she knew Jack would notice it.

Today was Jack's day off and he invited her for a date. She refused because she has an important thing to do. She was meeting someone.

She left their house and went to a cozy café. Then she saw the man sitting at the table on the balcony of the café where everyone can see them. She walked toward him and smiled. The man stood up and she kissed his cheeks. She sat facing the man and ordered a coffee for both of them.

"So what's going on in that pretty little head of yours, Your Majesty?" The man said after their orders lay on the table.

"How's Rapunzel?"

"She's fine" the man answered. "She was busy helping Princess Anna in Royal duties in Arendelle because someone decided to do undercover jobs." Then he waves his hand changing the topic, "Anyway, what's really your reason for meeting me here?"

Elsa smiled at her cousin-in-law, the Prince of Corona kingdom. She shook her head and sips her coffee. "I need you to do me a favor"

His eyebrow rose. "This is rare for you to ask a favor. You must be in a very tight situation"

"I was caught" She admitted, "And they are in the move"

"I assume he threatens you" Elsa smiled; this man knows pretty well what dealers do in this kind of situation. "So you're doing this to protect them.

Elsa nodded and laid out all her plans to him.

"Have you thought this carefully?" He asked looking at her worriedly. Elsa just nodded in reply and put the mug to her lips. His eyes wandered and chuckled as if he saw something interesting. "If looks could kill, I would be lying on the floor lifeless"

Elsa smiled lightly.

"Your husband is giving me a death glare and I can feel his killing intent presence towards me" he rests his elbow on the table and puts his chin on his palm. "I'm curious, how did you know that he will follow you today?"

Elsa just shrugged off her shoulder.

He shook his head, "So this is your way of protecting him." he leans back, "You are basically hurting him not protecting"

"I don't have a choice" she looked at him

"You do have a choice" he corrected.

"This is the only way I can think of," Elsa said looking down at her coffee. "It would be easy for him to let me go"

He sighed exasperatedly. "I can't believe I was being used by my wife's cousin to get her husband jealous" He put his hand on her hand and squeeze it lightly. "Well, if I can't change your mind then, I'll support you in any possible ways. Just promise me that you won't do something reckless."

Elsa smiled at him gratefully. She was hurting inside but she hides it well. She didn't want to hurt Jack but this is the only way. She was apologizing to Jack silently in her mind.

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