XXIII: Mutual

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Elsa looked at Jack still dazed. Her mind still couldn't process everything that Jack said a while ago.

"You love me?" she asked when her mind decided to open her mouth.

"Yes," Jack nodded with a genuine smile on his lips. "I love you, Elsa"

She gasped as she heard those three words that she was hoping to hear from Jack. "I... I-I" She was still shocked that she couldn't speak a word.

"Shh," Jack shushed her putting his index finger against her lips. "You don't have to answer me right away" he released Elsa and took her hand guiding her upstairs to her room. "I know you're tired and need to rest" he opens her door.

Elsa nodded absentmindedly. Jack kisses her on the forehead before she entered her room.

"Good night" Jack smiled one more time and closes her door.


Elsa was standing there without moving any muscle for hours, when her mind digested everything, she immediately grabs her cellphone and dialed her sister's number.

A few rings passed when her sister finally answer.

"He loves me too," Elsa said in haste without greeting her sister in the other line.

"Merry Christmas to you too, sister" Anna groggily answered. She was awoken by the ringing of her phone. She was tired after attending a Christmas party held in the palace and her beloved sister decided to disturb her sleep just to tell that Jack loves her sister.

"Oh sorry! Merry Christmas!" Elsa apologies, "Jack confessed to me" she happily said to her sister.

"Yay! Good for you" Anna sarcastically said.

Elsa ignored her sister's sarcasm. "He said he loves me. What am I going to do?"

"Then tell him that the feeling is mutual," Anna said with a lack of enthusiasm.

"But... I'm too nervous to say that"

"Just tell him that you love him too then you too will live happily ever after," Anna said and she hung up.

Elsa let her body fell in the bed and stared at the ceiling. Jack's words were still replaying in her mind and she thinks she couldn't sleep tonight. She was happy, too happy that words are not enough to describe what she was feeling tonight. The words that she was dreaming to hear from Jack just come true. She thanks all the gods and goddesses for this is the happiest moment of her life. All she needs to do is to think of how she could tell Jack the She loves him too.

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