2. English

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One night stands were not a new thing to me. When I was younger, I used to want to save myself for marriage but as I grew up, I became less concerned with what I did with my body. Something I sadly did not grow out of was my hopeless romantic self, which seemed counterproductive to many people. How could I possibly give my body to somebody and not want to pursue a relationship with them if I was a hopeless romantic? The answer: I don't know, my body and my feelings just didn't seem to correlate in that factor.

So when I saw Forest in science, the blush wasn't due to sleeping with him but because I slept with him, of all people. The red tinge reflected on him as well. Going towards the back of the classroom, where my new seat was assigned due to my partnership with Forest, I couldn't help but sneak a peek at Grey. He was holding Blue's hand under the table and I wanted the ground to swallow me whole. Why was I like this? As I sat down in my seat, Forest feverishly touched my hand.

"Fern, can we talk about last night?" I nodded in response and his hand left mine instantly. It was best we cleared things up seeing as I would be visiting his house quite frequently for the next few weeks. "You do know you're not my type, right?"

"Yes, Forest, and you do know you're still not my type, right?" I smiled at his nod, trying not to glance at Grey. "We're still cool for the english project though?'

"We're still cool."

"Cool." And that was the end of conversation and we moved on to talking about who would be presenting what slides and analysing the society that drove Eva Smith to suicide. When the bell rang, I confirmed with Forest that we would be meeting up at his house later and was about to leave when Grey stood in front of me.

"Hey, Fern," he greeted me excitedly and I couldn't help but smile back even though I knew I shouldn't have enjoyed him greeting me as much as I had. What was wrong with me!

"What's up, Grey?"

"Nothing, it's just we haven't talked much lately. Wanna meet up after school?" I wanted to jump up and down and scream yes at him but all I could do was let my heart beat rapidly. He's Blue boyfriend.

"I'd love to but I'm meeting up with Forest after school for the english project," I smiled, "Thanks for asking though."

"Oh," he replied. He nodded and left the class. I waited a few moments afterwards, to let my heart rate slow down and to process what I had actually done. It was the right decision but I hated it nevertheless. Why couldn't I just get over him already!

Readjusting my school blazer, I left the classroom quietly.

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