Hard Goodbyes

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Kimoria POV
I slowly opened my eyes, to see Gaara by my side, sitting in a chair. I smiled at the beautiful sight of him, "Gaara." I whispered and he looked at me, "Kimoria, you're finally awake." he said, his face instantly lighting up and he hugged me. When he pulled away, he smiled at me, "Kimoria, I was worried about you." he said and heart picked up, "You were?"I asked happily and he nodded, "I was. You see, I realized something. After fighting that sound ninja. Despite everything, I realized what you really mean to me. I care about you a lot, Kimoria." he said and I grinned, "I care about you a lot too, Gaara." I said and we smiled at each other, then he slowly leaned in and kissed me. It was my first kiss, and it was amazing. His lips were surprisingly soft, and I enjoyed every minute of it. He finally pulled away, "I've been wanting to do that for a while now, Kimoria." he admitted and I giggled, "So have I, Gaara. I said and kissed him again.
I got out a few days later and spent Gaara's remaining time in our village with him. He was so sweet and I had so much fun with him, then the day came for him to leave. I hugged him tightly, " I'm gonna miss you, Gaara." I said and he held me tightly in his arms, "I'm gonna miss you two, Kimoria. I want you to come visit me when you can." he said and I nodded, "I will sure try. Stay in touch, Gaara." I said and he chuckled, "Don't worry I will." he said and Konkuro pulled him away, "Alright, enough you lovebirds. We should go." he said and I waved to them and watched them until they disappeared. Once they were gone, everything went back to normal, and I visited Naruto every day. The day he was released, we went to eat and walked around together, laughing and having fun, "I'm gonna be lonely without you, Naruto. What am I supposed to do without my best friend?" I asked and he laughed, "You will be okay, Kimoria. But I'll miss you too." he said smiling and I grinned, "When you return, I'll be stronger as well. And hopefully, master my new move." I said and he grinned, "Let's have a battle when I return." he said and I nodded, "You got it, Naruto." I said and we hugged, then walked away together. The next morning, I walked him to the gate and hugged him tightly, "Be safe Naruto. I'll miss you. Protect him and bring him back to me safely, Master Jiraiya." I said and he laughed, "Don't worry, Kimoria, he will be okay, I promise. He said and I nodded and watched my best friend leave. After he was gone, I went to to the training ground and began working alone. I trained for an hour alone, then Dad appeared, " Allow me to help, Kimi. Besides, I have new jutsu I wanna teach you." he said and I grinned, "Really Dad? Alright! I'll be strong in no time! Let's get started, Dad." I said and he laughed, "Alright, Kimoria. We will start with the basics." he said and we trained together until the sun went down. That night, we went home and I laid in bed, "Just you wait, Naruto. I'll be really strong when you return. And Gaara, from now on, ill do whatever I must to protect you, even if it meant dying for you like Mom did for Dad. I will always be here for you, Gaara. Forever. That is a promise." I said and rolled over and fell asleep quickly.

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