Chapter 1: In The Morning

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Authors note:
Lizzie is 14 years old and Ciel is 12 going on 13 on December 14,1888.
The date is July 10,1888.

"Young master time to awaken"
Sebastian said as opened the room curtain to let the summer sunshine in.
Ciel yawned tiredly as he drank some Ceylon tea.
"What's the schedule today?" He asked setting the tea cup down as Sebastian went to the closest to get Ciel's attire a dress shirt, blue tie, and his dark blue tailcoat, along with black socks and shoes.
"Today, you have a meeting with Mr.Clause, the man in charge of expanding Funtom company and a fencing and violin lesson."
"Very well, we have to go into town on queens orders today also" ciel said as he pulled a Letter from his stand drawer.
"As you wish my lord I will prepare a carriage shortly after your lessons and meeting."
Author's note: this was the beginning of Ciel and Sebastian's day. The next part is of carriage ride.

As the carriage bumped along the dirt road away from the manor Sebastian and Ciel talked about the case.
"There are 4 murders that looked like suicides but the queen is convinced its a murder case so she wants me to help the yard solve it being her watch dog." Ciel explained to Sebastian.
"I see, your plan when we get there my lord?" Sebastian asked as he assessed the file of the victims.
"They all have one thing in common, they all went to the hospital with headaches and saw the same doctor. I made some calls earlier and that same doctor had the days off at the time of the killings. So when we get there apprehend the suspect and then bring him to the yard so the yard can deal with it and the killings can stop." Ciel said.
As they reached town the coachman slowed down slightly. he yelled to us "Lord Phantomhive, it will take a bit longer for us to reach the location if that's alright."
"Yes, that's fine sir" Ciel replied looking out the window trying to see how long the traffic was.

END of chapter 1

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