Chapter 5: At The Hospital

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Ciel's POV

What did Elizabeth just say? she loves me? but she knows I know that. I stared shocked when the nurse interrupted my thoughts.

"She's out," the nurse with a name tag that said "jane."

Madam Red looked at me, while I was holding Lizzie hand and said,

"Would you like to step out?"

"Y-yes. I.. have a case to resume. I'll be back in 10 minutes to see you though," I managed to say and let go of Elizabeth's hand and told Sebastian "Lets go find the doctor we suspect before he leaves."

"Yes, my lord" he replied like always and followed me out of the room.

I never thought Elizabeth would say that. not like she did just now, she said it like she was dying.

She can't die. She can't, I love her too much.

Though I know my fate is for Sebastian to eat my soul, I feel like she and Sebastian are the only real friends I have...and I count on them.

"His office should be right around here," Sebastian said as I was thinking. I realized he took the lead.

"L-Let's hope he's in there," I stuttered. I never was fond of hospitals ever since I was 4 when my father got really sick.

"Are you alright? my lord." Sebastian asked stopping.

"Yes, I'm fine. We'll talk later at the manor," I told him knowing he'll bring it up later.

As we reached the his office I knocked on the door and a voice said "come in," and Sebastian opened the door and I walked in with Sebastian following me.

"Dr.Lance, I presume?" I asked checking it's the right guy.

"Yes, what can I do for you lord Phantomhive?" he asked taking his glasses off.

"Your a suspect in a murder case of the people that you saw with headaches. we have to take you into custody." I said sternly.

"What!?" he said surprised than calmed down. "If you would like to take me in go ahead." He said as he got up turned off his office lights and locked the door behind him as we walked out.

I looked at Sebastian when Dr.Lance was locking his door, and Sebastian knew something was up, and so did I.

As we started to walk back to the entrance, me taking the lead with Sebastian walking behind the doctor I stopped and said "Sebastian the yard is 1 block away, I'm going back to Elizabeth and Paula. Take the doctor to the yard and the files to them and show them this..." I said pulling the queens letter out of my pocket and then handing it to him.

"Yes, my lord." he replied then winked at me. I let them walk around the corner untill they were out of sight and then I look at the clock on the wall, it said "12:30." As I went over my afternoon schedule I realized it was just lessons. I decided I can stay here untill 3:30 so Sebastian could prepare dinner and so I could finish some paperwork. However my first priority right now was Elizabeth. As I ran as fast as I could back to Elizabeth's room I realized Madam Red was talking with another doctor so I slowed down outside the room where they were.

"What's happened while I was gone?" I asked catching my breath, then I said "Dr.Smith?"

"Hello Ciel! how have you been doing!? he said cheerfully. I remember him from when I was 4. He was the doctor in charge of my father he was also...a surgeon.

"Fine. how's Elizabeth and Paula?" I asked. I quickly saw his cheerful expression fade.

"Paula's gonna be fine. Lizzie on the other hand.." Madam Red replied. I shuttered as I heard the words from her mouth.

"She's not doing as well." Dr.Smith finished. at that moment I thought I could cry but I didn't dare in public. I didn't want to show weakness not now it would ruin my reputation and plummet my business.

- End- for now.

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