Chapter 7: Ciel's Grief

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Ciel's POV

"I will always be fine physically. however emotionally I am scared forever. I get through it with Sebastian as my butler. And you." with the words I said tears slipped down her face.

"So I have kept my promise, good. But my wish was..." With those words she died.

Wish? What wish? What did she mean by that? Is it possible she has a revenge wish or something like me? I pushed the thought away as I saw the Paula start to tear up.

"Lady, Paula. please don't cry," I said trying to calm her down.

"Ciel her mother will be very sad and angry at me, you see I was hired to protect her at all costs... I'm an excellent marksmen and always carry a gun." She said pulling a pistil from a holster behind her hidden by her jacket.

"I always have a gun too." I said and pulled mine out same make and model as hers. "The title of the queens guard dog comes with the danger of being injured at anytime." I explained as she calmed down.

I forced tears back as I got up to go get Madam Red and Dr.Smith. as I stepped out they were just starting to walk back to the room.

"What are going to the room for?" I asked still a little shaky.

"We're going to check on Lizzie. Is everything alright?" Madam Red asked.

"No need to check on her she's dead." I forced the words out of my mouth. they looked at me shocked like I was kidding. Then saw the look in my face.

"I'm so sorry Ciel," Dr.Smith said, "I did try warn you."

"It's okay I finished my case and lost another friend." I said quietly then added, "but she was more than a friend to me. I loved her."

I walked away with that and I saw Sebastian walk back into the hospital he saw me and stopped. I ran up to him and put my arms around his waist. he was surprised at first at my actions.

"What happened young master?" he asked.

I looked up at his concerned red eyes and said "L-Lizzie's dead," I managed to say.

He blinked knowing what she meant to me. "Lets get back to the manor, young master," with that he picked me up and walked out.

"Wait Sebastian!" I yelled. He put me down and I said "I need to speak with Paula."

He nodded and followed me to the where Paula was talking with Madam Red.

" I don't have a way to back to the manor," she was saying.

"I'll take her to my mansion," I offered. they looked at me and nodded

"Thank you Ciel," Paula said and bowed.

"Take care you guys," Madam Red said and walked back to where her office was.

I waved as she left and looked at Paula, "You set?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied. "How are we getting to your manor?" she asked.

I looked at Sebastian and he said "The yard will most likely lend us a carriage or I can carry you both." he said and smiled a little.

"Carriage, Sebastian." I said sternly.

"Yes, my lord" he said bowing then gestured us to follow.

I took the lead once at the hospital doors and Sebastian walked behind Paula.

I started walking towards where the yard was. Once there I saw Commissioner Randall (head of the yard) and greeted him "Hello Sir Randall. I assume you are cleaning up this case now."

"Lord, Phantomhive I got the note and everything's in order. yes we are cleaning up. Do you need something?" he asked.

"Yes. I need a carriage to take me back to my mansion. I need to prepare a funeral." I said looking in his eyes.

"Who passed?" he asked tilting his head.

"Lady, Elizabeth." I said keeping a straight face, and explaining it all to him.

"I see... You may use the carriage over there." he said pointing to a carriage to his left with 4 brown horses and a coachman waiting to leave.

"Thank you sir," I said and walked over to the carriage.

Sebastian opened the door and helped Paula inside then me. he got inside after telling the coachman where to go and getting inside.

I sat next to Paula to make her feel a little safer. I saw she was trembling as she sat down hesitantly. I agree it was a little scary to be setting off in a carriage from a carriage accident where a close friend died.

~time lapse~

Back at my manor I went to my study at once to make some calls. I told Sebastian to prepare tea and that Paula could come to my study if she likes.

First I had to call funeral service, to set up a date three days from tomorrow. Then I called Undertaker, to tell him I'll be coming in his shop soon. He said okay but I have to pay admission this time. that meant I had to make him laugh.

As I was hanging up from Undertaker I heard a knock and said come in. to my surprise it was Paula.

"Yes Paula?" I asked gesturing her to take a seat.

She sat down and said "I wanted to ask you when you will be sending me back to my manor?"

"I will accompany you tomorrow to your manor. I should tell my aunt Francis myself and let her know it's not your fault. If she fires you you are welcome here." I said after a minute thinking the situation to benefit us both.

"Thank you, Ciel." Paula answered then smiled.

Sebastian knocked on my door. "come in!" I replied to the knock.

"Young master, I have brought some Ceylon tea. it has calming milk mixed into it." he explained and Handed me a cup then Paula.

"Tomorrow we have to my Paula's manor to tell my aunt Francis what happened and then we have to Undertaker's shop." I told Sebastian.

"As you wish, young master." he said and bowed.

As night fell I Paula went to bed and at 10:00 I decided to go to bed. Sebastian put me in my night gown. I was still sad while I was watching him leave I stopped him. "Sebastian,"

"Yes, my lord?" he asked walking back towards the bed.

" I want you to stay untill I'm asleep. Lie down with me." I said.

"Are you showing me weakness? " he asked shocked.

"No! I have lost someone dear to me and I'm grieving for her. I just don't want to be alone tonite."

He smiled and said "yes my lord," as he took off his tailcoat and laid down next to me. he put his arms around my waist and I put my hands barely touching his chest and fell I asleep with a single tear sliding down my face."

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