Chapter 14: Brotherly Talk

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Sebastian's POV

I walked to the kitchen with Dominic as soon as young master went to his study, without saying a word I glanced at Dominic when we got to the kitchen. "Dominic, long time no see," I said in my normal voice that most people call 'sexy'.

Dominic sighed and replied, "Indeed brother, it has been too long. I see you aren't living by dad's expectations, like me, you have rebelled." I looked at him in his brick red eyes.

"Don't talk like I did something bad. you lied to lady Elizabeth about your name," I said coldly.

"I had to, if I said I was a Michaelis she would tell that brat Ciel."

I felt a sense of protectiveness right then, I know Grell liked calling Ciel that but the word made my blood boil every time. I love my master and for someone to call him 'brat' is something I dislike. I let out a low growl, "Don't call my master names Dominic." He chuckled.

"Don't tell me, you love that child Sebastian. We both know what happened when Mira loved one of her masters."

"I know what happened, but I will not let Ciel get hurt under any circumstances. I'll be by his side forever," I said boldly. "Unlike you and lady Elizabeth."

He looked shocked but then glowed his eyes, "my master is calling for us to leave," he smelled the air, "you might want to go help your master before he burns" he said and walked out with Elizabeth and they left.

I smelled the air and ran upstairs as fast as I could knowing Ciel was in his study I took off my gloves before going to the door and opened it instantly hearing him cough, I controlled the flames and made my way towards him. "Master..." I said kneeling down to where he was I heard him mumble something.

"Sebastian..." he whispered and coughed again.

A/N: Lizzie needs anger management classes obviously.... one last chapter until the next book! haha *nervous laugh* sorry if it's been long between updates, thank you SOOO much for reading!

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