Mal x Reader

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Mal's Point of View

sigh it is a chore pretending to be Mike all day and night but there are advantages like seeing Y/n everyday and talking to her you see Mike and Zoey recently broken up which made Mike angry which meant I was now fully in control of him. As I was walking down the stairs of the spa hotel as we won I saw my Angel sleeping in the chair with her arms resting on her head she looked so cute when she was asleep but she must have heard me coming down the stairs.

Y/n: "Oh hey mike good morning *Yawns*

I noticed that she had a bruise forming on her arm I was intrigued to find out what happened to her but chose not to in case she might think something is wrong and she figures out who I really am

Me: "Oh good morning to you too Y/n did you fall asleep down here?"

She silently nods but I saw pain between the eyes so I told her I'm just going to the bathroom while really I was going to the secret control room in the library when I got there I rewind the footage of last night to see Zoey hurting my sweet Princess I growled wanting to know why so I checked the Confessionals and what I saw made my heart beat even faster.

Y/n on screen: "How dare Zoey breaks Mike's heart he never did anything wrong I admit I have grown to love mike but his sudden behaviour makes me realise that this is a new personality controlling him I got to say it's kinda hot when he talks in that deep voice but Zoey oh she's gonna pay for making Mike's Heart break." 

That's when I noticed that in the footage with Zoey and Y/n Zoey's hair was covered in Paint I laughed at that and decided to reveal myself to Y/n during the challenge today and Zoey's gonna learn not to mess with my Princess.

Time skip to the challenge

Y/n Point of View

As Me and Cameron were walking to our next challenge Mike caught up with us and we started to talk to pass the time but was interrupted by Chris as he explained the next challenge to us which was interrupted by Ezekiel kidnapping him I laughed at that silently not knowing that Mike was looking at me with a smile.

As we were split up to find Chris Mike suggested that me and him go one way and Cameron another way before I had time to argue Mike quickly grabbed my hand and we jumped in one of the holes and as soon as we landed Mike pushed me against a wall with a smirk across his face.

Me: "Mike what are you doing shouldn't we be looking for Chris?"

Mal: "OH I'm not Mike sweetheart in fact I'm his new personality call me Mal in fact I saw your Confessional which actually surprised me."

I blush very darkly and when he notices it he quickly comes closer to me and kisses me I couldn't help but kiss back as he quickly lets me go and we both breathe and hold hands while continuing to look for Chris while sharing secret kisses along the way.

Later that night

at the elimination ceremony I was holding Mal hand as Chris read out who would be going home which was Zoey and Cameron I wished Cameron he would get better soon but when it came to Zoey I threw her in the toilet and pressed the button while giving her a sweet smile which only Mal noticed yep I love him for that.

The End!!!

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