Gwen X Mute Reader

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3rd Point Of View
It had been a couple of years since Total Drama and Gwen had never been happier.

Sure she had been viewed as a boyfriend stealer multiple times even when she ended her relationship with Duncan but once Y/n entered her life she found the strength to move on past her time on Total Drama.

Even though she was mute Gwen thought her charateristics were lovable and cute. Y/n was gentle towards animals of any shape and size even tigers which surprised Gwen during that last trip to the zoo.

But nevertheless Y/n and Gwen stayed together working out any arguments they were going through and made amends towards each other.

Y/n would hug Gwen behind her back when she relived painful memories with her past relationships, smiling as she saw her girlfriend falling asleep next to her by her side.

On Summer Days the two would spend their time with Gwen painting outside and Y/n looking after her puppy, long walks in the park in Autumn and cuddling up by the fireplace wrapping their arms around each other.

The two didn't want to leave each other as their love grew bigger and bigger or in Gwen's wording their hearts grew 3x bigger.

A meteor shower was the perfect time to purpose, Y/n thought so as well as during the shower they both got on one knee and pulled out two similar rings:

One Sliver.

One Gold.

They do make the perfect pair, Gwen and Y/n were the topic of most talk shows and news shows. 

It showed the perfect photos of the wedding with Y/n in a golden wedding dress and Gwen in a short black dress kissing when the priest pronounced them together for all eternity.

And Gwen couldn't be happier putting the past behind her at last.

A/n: This is so Cringy!!

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