Alejandro x Shy Reader

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This is different to my other Alejandro x Reader In this story you are Courtney's sister who has a crush on Alejandro your best friend since the competition started but he has developed feelings for you as well. Happens in the Niagara Brawls episode.

Y/n Point of View   

As I woke up in the cargo hold I notice that the panda from the pinball challenge was here as well cuddled up beside me I couldn't care less he was so cute and well he was a good listener when I came here to get away from Courtney trying to control my life or when she tries to make me look like the bad guy whenever we lose a challenge I just wish she would leave me alone sometimes.

I didn't realise Ting Ting was awake and climbing on top of my head I chuckled and stood up to  see Alejandro sleeping as well as everyone else left in the competition he's been my best friend since I've came here he didn't try to flirt with me like everyone else he's been the only true friend on this journey apart from Duncan and Gwen.

As the interns left everyone I notice their were swan boats beside us what could Chris be planning now I was starting to get worried as I heard the sound of doors opening then I looked down and realised we were falling luckily Owen woke everyone up as we grabbed one of the swan boats.

I realised I was with Alejandro in one of the boats which made me slightly nervous since I could feel my sister's glare at me but I ignored it as we tried to escape the waterfall but Sierra saved all of us but I landed on top of Alejandro oh God.

Alejandro Point Of View

As I noticed Y/n was on top of me I couldn't help but stare at her eyes they showed so much pain and sadness but with a mixture of both hope and love they were quite enchanting to look at but we had to get up as that idiota Chris was announcing this week's challenge I looked over at Y/n she waved at me until she got slapped in the arm by her devil of a sister Courtney I swear ever since I met her I would protect my darling angel from harms way I got to find a way to get Y/n onto my side but how?

Then Chris announced that the merge was happening how wonderful so I quickly set my alliance with the gullible fool and Duncan but then I walked over to Y/n as Courtney was distracted by Chris

Alejandro: "Y/n would you be interested in an alliance with me?"     

Her eyes immediately sparkled and she gave me one of her famous hugs that always made me feel better whenever I felt sad or angry about my teammates so instantly I spun her around which made her laugh which was like a angel laugh sweet and heavenly I could listen to it all my life how I which I could tell her how I feel but I have to wait for the perfect moment.    

Time Skip

Y/n Point Of View

Wow an Alliance with Alejandro I must be dreaming but I'm not as Chris has shuffled the boys into this slot machine I could feel my sister glaring at me which I ignore and focus on Sierra as she is the first one to spin the machine I hope she gets Cody those two are made for each other in my own opinion but as she got Alejandro she turned into a Bridezilla then she turned to me oh no.

Sierra: "Y/n you have him"

She pushed me into Alejandro and I swear I caught him blushing and gently he took my hand and went on one knee as he smirked at me I laughed a little bit as he started speaking to me in that heavenly tone.

Alejandro: "Y/n I known you since the competition started so as you are my ally will you do me the honour of being my bride?"

Me: (Laughs) "Of course my groom with all my heart and devotion!"   

He quickly got up and we left to sit down ignoring my sister's comments about me and Alejandro being paired up unaware of how long we were holding hands but I didn't mind and once Alejandro noticed he held my hand tightly which I responded with a tight squeeze back as we waited for everyone to be paired up.

Time Skip

3rd Point Of View

As the contestants are blindfolded and waiting for their chosen partners instructions Alejandro is smirking at Y/n and can't contain his excitement as he has spotted a dress that has best suited his bride to be and he couldn't wait to see her in the dress.

As Duncan is messing with Courtney Alejandro is safely guiding his bride to be through the obstacle course in order to safely gain immunity for the next challenge.

Alejandro: "Y/n take the next step to your left Mi Amour and then straight forward"

Y/n follows his instructions correctly and bumps into the wedding dress that Alejandro has picked out for her as she takes off the blindfold off as she has won immunity for her and Alejandro.

Alejandro: "Yes Chica we won well done!!"

Y/n smiles at him as she looks at the dress in awe as Alejandro can't help but smile at her looking at the dress and he cannot wait to see her in that wedding dress as he feels that she deserves it.

Y/N Point Of View   

As I put on the dress I couldn't help but admire myself in the mirror this is the first time that I feel happy without my sister controlling my life and I felt more relaxed without Courtney making me responsible about everything that goes wrong in her life but I couldn't care less.

I didn't realise that Alejandro was behind me as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest I blushed as he gave me a hug which I responded as he pulled away and led me to the mirror that was in the room.

Alejandro: "Mi Amour do you know what I see in the mirror I see a beautiful girl with a heart of pure gold that has stolen my heart"

He lifted my chin up and kissed me on the lips I responded back immediately as he gently put his arms around my waist while I put mine around his neck gently after a while we separated and gave each other a loving glance as we walked out hand in hand as Boyfriend and Girlfriend or should I say Husband and Wife.

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