Mike x Reader

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Requested by TopazzBlossom Read her stories they are awesome.
In this story Y/n is helping Mike recover from losing his personalties from All Stars Ps Mike and Zoey are just friends.

Mike's Point Of View
Man i still can't believe my personalties are gone to be perfectly honest i still miss them and expect them to come back every now and then.

Thank God Y/n is here for me i met her after i did Revenge of the Island she really understands what i'm going through and everyday she comes round to my house and keeps me company.

But after a while of us bonding i started to feel weird but in a good way i asked Zoey about this and she started to jump up and down saying i have a crush on her.

I was shocked to say the least but then it hit me the way the sun reflected her eyes in the light or the way she laughs after one of my lame jokes to break the tension between us wow i do have a crush on her but how do i ask her?

Y/n Point Of View
As i was walking towards Mike's house i couldn't help but feel nervous everytime you see i have this totally gigantic crush on Mike.

He's so adorable with his awesome jokes the way his eyes seem to beam whenever i cheer him up god he's so cute and adorable.

As i went to knock on his door i was immeditatly greeted by Mike who seemed more nervous than ever i was even more worried by the fact that he pulled me in and pushed me aganst the wall.

Y/n: "Mike are you okay tell me what's wrong? Did someone say something to you?"

He placed one of his hands on my shoulder as he was trying to speak he was so adorable when he stutters i think i was beginning to think the worse after a while before Mike started to speak again.

Mike's Point Of View
Oh man oh man i really was about to do this i hestantly put one of my hands on her shoulder and started to stutter like i always do as i started to speak to her with eye contact on her only as my only relief.

Me: " Y/n you've been helping me every step of the way from comforting me whenever i was sad or when i was feeling blue you would always cheer me up look what i'm trying to say is.... is..... I love you a whole lot"

She started to blush like crazy as i could only chuckle as i brought her face up to mine and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips as she started to respond back to it.

She was a gentle kisser as she timidly placed her arms around my neck as we continued for a short while before breaking for air.

Y/n: "I love you Mike!"

Me: "And i love you to Y/n with all my heart"

We then hugged each other as we sat down on my sofa and started to play video games as a first date sure i miss my personalties but with Y/n by my side i'm sure i will be fine.

The End Hoped you like it!!!!

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