Jacques X Sick Reader

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Requested by Dramatic_Tot

3rd Point Of View
Y/n was currently fighting the urge to not throw up as she groaned in pain. She hated being sick stuck in her house covered in her bedsheets to try and comfort herself. She was going to try and fall asleep until a loud sound was heard downstairs before hearing loud footsteps rushing towards her room. 

At first she was scared thinking there was a burglar in her home wanting money or her valuable items such as her tablet and her prized possession of all time.... her stuffed teddy bear from her best friend of all time. 

Jacques: "Oh my sweet tulip are you alright???!!! Tell me what you need!!!!!!!"

Y/n: "Hi Jacques"

Jacques her best friend since childhood. She made sure he was always happy even on days he felt absolutely terrible. Y/n always admired his skating skills and always cheered him on. 

But this was the first time Y/n had ever seen him break into her home not telling him she was sick yet. She watched him place newly bought flowers (Tulips) beside her while pacing around her room.    

Jacques: "As soon as your mother called me I raced down the street jumping over tiny dogs barking viciously at me but I'm here ready to care for you!!!!!"

This is what Y/n loved about him... yes you heard me right loved. Over the past few years she loved how protective Jacques was about either her health, safety and of course protecting her from boys throwing her over his shoulder with her laughing.

Jacques gently places his hand on her forehead feeling her burn up as she smiles weakly at him before coughing again. He quickly sprung to his feet running downstairs to get her some medicine as she gazed at the beautiful flowers Jacques gave her. 

In 5 minutes Jacques rushed into her room with the medicine in his hand as she sat up carefully drinking the horrible medicine making a face causing Jacques to chuckle at his friend. As the room grew into a comfortable silence Jacques phone buzzed with multiple messages and they both knew who they were from.

Josee always knew how to kill the mood instantly between the pair wither it be when Jacques had a break and talked to Y/n or Y/n visited him on the ice rink watching him she would drag him away farther from her so she wouldn't see their act. 

Y/n wanted to tell Jacques how she felt about him but Jacques was struggling to keep his cool towards his precious flower.  Jacques loved everything about Y/n from her sweet laughter to trying everything to make him smile after a hard day of skating on the ice. 

Y/n felt a lot better as she placed her hand on top of his making both of them blush then she looked away with Jacques smiling at his precious tulip before kissing her on her sweet lips. 

Jacques felt her smile in the kiss as he stopped for a quick breath seeing his tulip smiling up at him as he sat beside her and brought her into his arms. 

Both of them felt the love growing between them as Jacques turned off his phone as soon as Josee phoned him up causing the two of them to laugh as the two of them fell into a peaceful sleep.

The End   

A/n: Hello everyone keep up the requests as I do accept all season characters including Total Dramarama. 

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