Duncan X Reader X Mal

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Requested by Karina_Oraku

3rd Point Of View
It was the start of another school day but it was everything but normal involving three students.

Duncan the Juvie boy, Mal the king of Juvie and of course Y/n the girl caught up in the middle of all of the fighting.

Y/n walked towards the school's entrance not noticing someone sneaking up behind her causing her to jump and drop her books onto the ground.

She looked behind her to see Mal but she quickly picked up her books, pushed him away from her and headed towards her locker.

Y/n didn't noticing the smirk on his face as he whistled his infamous tune causing Nerds to shove themselves into lockers and give themselves wedgies making Mal smile in pure delight for the rest of his journey.

She soon reached her locker and put her books neatly while sorting out her books she needed but she soon spotted her art book missing which worried her.

Until she closed her locker to reveal Duncan holding her art book above her head as she smiled at him shyly and tried to grab it as Duncan moved back each time.

Duncan: "Oh you almost got it try again!"

Y/n sighed but tried again grabbing his arm to try to get it but still couldn't reach it no matter how much she tried to.

Y/n: "Duncan......Please? I really need it!"

Duncan: "Sure you can........ if you can reach it babe"

Y/n tried once more to grab it but Duncan moved out of the way which Y/n ended up crashing into the locker causing her to glare at Duncan but unknown to Y/n she looked adorable to him as her eyes seemed to brighten up.

Duncan put the book into her locker and kneeled down to help her up but they both heard the sound of heavy footsteps running towards the two and scooping Y/n off of the ground and running off to the nurse's office.

Duncan: "Hey Let her Go!!!!"

Mal: "You were the one who did this to her and I'm the one who's saving her!"

Y/n blushed as he said that to Duncan as he checked to see if the nurse was in before setting her onto the table. He huffed as he sat in front of her while pressing an ice pack onto her eye as she was still shaking from the incident.

Mal held her hand gently as she smiled gently at him while he removed the ice pack from her and examined her eye as she blushed on how close he was to her.

Mal noticed this as he placed his hands beside her making her jump as he leaned in close to her as she moved back slowly still blushing madly.

Just as Mal was about to kiss Y/n on the lips the door slammed open to reveal Duncan quickly grabbing Y/n and running off with her in his arms with Mal in pursuit.

Duncan left her off in her classroom then laughed at Mal as he chased after him with Y/n sighing at the two of them before smiling as she entered the class and took her seat.

Time Skip

Y/n left her classroom with Mal and Duncan waiting for her as she smiled at the two of them with Mal picking her up with Duncan following them with a smirk on his face as she frantically tried to get out of their grip.

Y/n: "Let go of me right now I have to get home to study"

Mal: "It can wait Princess"

Y/n huffs and crosses her arms waiting for Mal to put her down but they bring her into the forest and set her down on a tree stump as she crosses her arms waiting for their explanation.

Mal and Duncan smile at her as she continues to look away from them. The pair smirk at her as Mal sneaks up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist making her gasp which gives Duncan the perfect opportunity to steal a kiss from her.

Y/n eyes widen in surprise before closing in relief returning the kiss to Duncan as Mal growls at him and starts kissing her neck making her shudder.

The two boys stop and let her go as Y/n blushes and smiles at the two boys kissing the two boys on the cheek and walks away from two furiously blushing boys as they start chasing after her with all of them laughing.

The End

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