Chaptet 36: 4 years

67 3 0

Aria's p.o.v.

"Momma can I sleep in your room?" I hear a small whimper come from my bedroom door. I looked towards the doorway an see Lilly, with tears streaming down her rosy cheeks as she squeezes her little teddy bear. I look to my left and see a sleeping Mitchell. He looks so adorable. Too bad I have to wake him up. I thought. I slightly nudged his arm.

"I don't want to go to school." He mumbled pulling the blanket over his head. I laugh.

"It's Lilly." I whisper. He quickly gets up and looks at the doorway.

"Come here, baby girl." he smiles holding out his arms. She giggles, and runs into his arms.

"Daddy, it's thundering again." she mumbles, hiding her face in his chest.

"Pisssst, remember what we do when it thunders?" He whispers in her ear. She quickly pulls away with a huge smile.

"Momma get the controllers." She smiles excitedly. I look at Mitchell, obviously confused.

"Well, Ms.Heavy Sleeper, when ever it rains, Lilly and I play GTA5." he smiled. I looked at the clock. 4:17am. Then I looked back at Mitchell.

"Baby girl, it's a little to late to play." he sweetly said to Lilly. She looked down frowning. I pulled her onto my lap.

"Come on let's go to sleep, you have school in the morning and daddy and I have work." I whispered. She slipped off my lap and laid down between Mitchell and I. With in minutes she was fast alseep. I was soon falling asleep until i saw Mitchell get out of bed.

"Where are you going?' i questioned. He turned around.

"I have work early today." He mumbled. I sighed laying back down. He walks towards the bed and gives me a kiss on the forehead.

"I'll be home before four, baby." he whispers before walks out of the room. I lay down and look at Lilly, she looks just like...Shane. A few tears stream down my cheeks. I slowly begin to fall asleep.


The morning sun shines through the white blinds, I turn to my left and see Lilly cuddled up in the soft blankets. I look at the clock. 7:21. I quickly get out if bed and make Lilly and I breakfast. I go upstairs and wake up.

"Come on baby time for school." I smile getting dressed.

"But momma, the other kids are meanies." she pouts. I hate the fact she's already being bullied, their only 4 year old kids, why are they so rude? No child deserves to be bullies. I decided just to let her say home for the day.

"Mama can I wake Uncle Alex up?" she giggles. Alex is Mitchell's bestfriend, I'd say their more like brothers. they've known each other their whole life, I couldn't live without them, and of course Lilly.

"Haha, okay baby girl." I smiled. She quickly scampers off with a glass of water. Why would she want water? I think.

"Awe, fuck." I mumble running to Alex's room. But it was to late, Lilly through the cup of water on Alex causing him to immediately wake up. I bit my tongue trying to hold back my laugh, Lilly dashes over behind me.

"You think this is funny?" Alex laughed, I shake my head no and slowly begin to back up, Ash and I begin to run out of the room, with Alex on our heels. Lilly races to her room and closes the door.

"Let me in!" I laugh knocking on the door. I hear her giggle and she says no. I try to turn around, but when I do I see Alex run towards me. I dash to the living, but is soon tackled on the couch.

"Alex! Stopppp!" I laugh trying to get him to stop tickling me.

"Say Alex is the best!" he yells. I shake my head.

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