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A quick thanx to Everyone whos reading.  I enjoy writing this book so I hope you enjoy reading it!   And a special thanx to evilvampiregirl13 and justadiva who have been very supportive


Sophie's POV

"Ding dong"  The doorbell.  Decisions. Open it and prevent myself from thinking anymore about Harry but take the chance of it being Harley, or sit in my room feel sorry for myself while who ever it is suffers in the rain.  Open it.

My eyes widen, what?

"Hi?"  Why is he here? Why?  

"Go away I'm fed up of guys turning up on the doorstep."  I start to close the door but he puts out a filthy hand that's probably touched way to many females.

"So your a little slut are you? Having guys turn up at your door?" His breath stunk of beer and mouldy cheese. 

"Go away!"  My heart starts to pound, as I panic.  He's entering the house.  My Dad has entered the house, HELP!

He was the one who turned Harley into the boy he is.   What is he going to do to me?  Where's mum when you need her?

"Don't step away honey it's me!  your Daddy!"  He smiled a fake ugly smile as he mentioned the word "daddy" I was petrified.  No one knows what this is like having your father who you haven't seen in years turn up at your door drunk, making all your child hood memories smash into a million pieces to reveal the true picture.  NO ONE.

"Stay AWAY!"  I backed into the kitchen frantically looking for an escape, surely it won't be that hard seen as though he is drunk.  I try diving for the stairs but a massive tattooed arm reaches out and curls round my waist pulling me back so he is breathing on my ears.  The smell made me gag and I could tell he was smiling at his catch.  As I wriggled he tightened hid grip and made it hard for me to breath.  Remembering I still had my little kitten heals on I swung my leg between his backwards and the shoe flew up and hit his backside, not much of a hit though, he only loosed his grip a little.  I carried on squirming then realised that I've always been able to bang my head against other peoples with out getting hurt, probably because I'm so mucked up but I could give it a try.  CRACK.  Gods sake that hurt and he just held on tighter to me, maybe my hard head comes from him.  I can't believe i'm thinking about what features I got from my father who is at this very moment coming close to killing me, raping me or other!




Right,  I have double checked this but no doubt I missed a speeling mistake or gramma mistake so ye anyone wanna tell me, if I have please??

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