Why is she So mad? pt2

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The day goes on normally except for the part about how Hiro is really mad and no one can figure out why. The last bell rings and everyone heads home or to after school clubs. "All right boys volleyball club lets get all set up and get going!" Ukai says. "Where is Hiro?!" Hinata asks loudly. Hiro was late, but why? They hear the gym door slide open and a figure walks in. They all expected it to be Hiro but its not it is Takeda instead. "Sensei, where is Hiro?" Ukai asks. "Huh? she isn't here?" Takeda replies. Ukai quickly pulls him aside "You don't think she is still mad about last night, do you?" Ukai whispers to Takeda. Just then the door slides open again and Hiro walks in. "Sorry i'm late." she says as she walks in and scowls at Ukai and Takeda. "guess she IS still mad about that." Takeda says out loud. "Mad about what?" Tanaka asks looking over at the two men. "It's nothing!" The two men say at the same time. Everyone else gathers around the two men, "What is she so mad about?" they all yell at the same time. "Well...She kind of saw her friend with us two last night...One of us might have been a little hungover." Ukai says. They all smack their hand to their forehead and sigh. "But that still doesn't explain why she was so mad." Hinata says. "Well apparently he does this every time she joins a new volleyball team. he always talks to the coach and adviser but never the captain since the captain always plays on the same side as her." Ukai says. Ukai looked around at all the boys who were standing in front of him. They all looked confused except for Tsukishima, he had taken Hiro's advice and done some research on his new team member. "Hey! are we going to get on with practice or did i come here for no reason." Hiro yells with a scowl. "We better start before she up and leaves all together." Ukai says. Practice goes on as normal. Hiro works with her team for the match on Friday, Tsukishima does the same even though his team doesn't get much accomplished. The time flew by and when it was time to clean everything up everyone was already half asleep. Everyone headed their own way. When everybody was gone there were only three remaining in the gym. "So you know about Hiro now?" Ukai says pointing to Tsukishima. "Somewhat. I know about the car crash and the fire." Tsukki says folding his arms. The three of them just stand in the silence of the bright gym. "So. You took my advice, did you. But don't get it in your head that you know my weakness, because i know yours!" a voice says that comes from the gym entrance. The three men look over and see Hiro with her arms crossed leaning up against the doorway.

 The three men look over and see Hiro with her arms crossed leaning up against the doorway

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"How?!-" Tsukishima starts to say. "Don't worry. I don't care that you know you just can tell anyone. Got it?!" Hiro says. Tsukishima straightens up and says, "I promise that I will not tell anyone about what I learned." They all leave and head home.

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