Is she ok?!

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The four had piled into a black truck with orange accents on it. The ride to the hospital was silent no one said anything they all just looked out the windows. When they pulled into the parking lot and parked the four were greated by a muscular man. He had sad hazel eyes. He looked almost like Asahi but a little more manly. Isas got out of the truck and walked up to the man, he held his hand out and shook hands with muscular male. The three highschooleres joined Isas at the entrance of the hospital. "Tsukishima, Kiyoshi, and Hiromasa. This is Masato Koboyashi a friend of Hiro's." Isas said. The three boys nod a hello to Masato and he noded back. "So how is Hiro?!" Kiyoshi asked quickly making it almost incoherent. "What he means Is, is she ok?" Hiromasa says looking at his normally quiet friend. Masato looks down at his feet as a shadow slowly crosses his face. "She, uh- seams to be in a type of coma." Masato says with tears pushing at the corners of his eyes. Isas puts his hands on Masato's shoulders and looks at the sad male. "Wait! Your kidding right?" Tsukishima says finally, breaking the silence. Masato shakes his head and looks down once more. The five boys head inside the hospital and wait for them to be called to Hiro's room. Hiro was laying in her hospital bed her orange and black hair sticking to her head, she was sweating and breathing heavily. Her head was bandage across her head and over her right eye. The heart monitor was not consistent sometimes it went faster sometimes it went slower. The boys stood there in the silence one of them ocsionally sighing at the sight of the young girl's motionless body. The heart monitor started to beep faster and faster.

"Mommy where are we going" child Hiro asked. "Oh, my little crow. We are going to visit-" the woman started to say before tire screeches could be heard. The sound of glass breaking and metal crunching, and scraping the concrete was heard. "M-mommy?!" A bewildered Hiro says before blacking out. Sirens could be heard people were gasping at the horrible sight before them. "Over Here! There is a little girl over here, she is still breathing but just barley." A man's voice said.

Hiro's hands started to twitch uncontrollably, "I'm going to get a nurse. Watch her for a minute." Isas says. He and Masato walk out of the room and the three high schoolers are left watching their friend. The heart monitor starts to go flat the beeping us one soldid sound. It's a flatline. The nurses rushed in and almost had to throw the two first years out, Tsukishima had willingly left.

Three hours had passed and the five were finally let back into Hiro's room. She looked terrible her skin was almost as white as the pillow her hair was glossy and she had bandages all over her. "Is she ok?!" Masato asks looking at the nurse. She looks to her feet and smiles, she looks back up with tears at the corners of her eyes. "Yes she will be just fine. She only needs rest." The nurse says looking at the five. They all sigh with relief. "Two questions. One, when will she wake up? And two, can I bring her team here to visit her?" Isas asks with a smile trying to spread across his face. "She will most likely wake up in the next few days, and yes I don't think anyone would have an objection with her team coming to visit her." Another nurse spoke up coming in through the door. The five men thank the nurses and leave for the night. "I will drop you three at home. You'll just have to get your things tomorrow." Isas says looking at the three volleyball players. They nod and get into the truck. Masato gets in his car and waves a goodbye to Isas. Isas drops Kiyoshi and Hiromasa off first. "So Tsukishima Kei, huh? I've seen your team play on tv. I'm glad Hiro has such good friends like you." Isas says looking at the road. Tsukishima nods. "She has never had friends, or close ones that is. She has Masato and that was it until just recently. She was bullied, people said she was cursed, they said she killed her family with it. That's why none of our family wanted to take her, they started to believe the rumors when she was the only one left." Isas says. The truck screeches to a stop and Tsukishima steps out, he thanks Isas for the talk and for the ride home. "Are you going home? Or are you going back to the hospital with Mackenzie?" Tsukishima asks. He realizes he said the wrong name and bowed an apology. Isas shook it off and said "Hiro needs someone, so I'm going back with her. Make sure to not let anyone find out about her. She doesn't need that right now. It's right around the time of the accident." Isas says before rolling up his window and taking off.

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