Chapter Four

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The first pale rays of sunlight had just begun sneaking in through the slits in the curtains when McKenna opened her eyes and stretched. Cinder was long gone, no doubt curled up on the sofa or under the coffee table.

The sofa.

She frowned as she stared up at the ceiling. In the far corner, by her closet, a dark water stain made a yellowish mark that bled through no matter how many coats of paint she applied. But that wasn't what had her frowning.

Did she dream everything that happened last night?

It would make sense. Since really, why would some Asgardian god crash land in her apartment and ask to bunk with her for a while? It was silly. Her mother always chided her for her vivid imagination, for seeing things that really weren't there, no matter how much she insisted otherwise.

So that had to be what happened. She went for a run. Overheated herself. Came home and didn't have time to eat, so when she fell asleep, her imagination went into overdrive. That explained everything. Besides, gods didn't come to Earth in real life. That only happened in books and movies.

She threw back the covers and got up. "Coffee. I need coffee. Then everything will be right in the world."

Yawning, she padded down the hallway, and came to a dead stop at the kitchen.

Loki was sound asleep on the sofa, with Cinder curled up on him as if he belonged there.

"Damn." She sagged against the doorway and rubbed her eyes to make sure she was really and honestly awake. When she finished, and the Asgardian was still on her sofa, she swore under her breath. "I need more than coffee."

He looked very comfortable, even with a twenty-pound bag of gray fur sound asleep on him, and not quite as pale as he had in the darkness last night. But, in the daylight, the fading bruises and cuts in various stages of healing on his face were much more visible. The Hulk certainly had done a number on him.

McKenna glanced up at the ceiling just above the front door, where she suspected Loki fell through. "I just hope no one else does the same," she muttered, shaking her head as she continued into the kitchen.

At the coffeepot, she frowned. Did Asgardians drink coffee? Should she wake Loki and ask him? And really, was it a good idea to wake any sleeping god, never mind the sleeping god of mischief?

Probably not.


"You've lost it," she muttered, slapping her hand to her forehead. "Just make enough damn coffee and if he wants it, he's welcome to it."

So, she scooped coffee into the filter, added water, and pressed the switch and a few minutes later, the heavenly aroma of fresh coffee filled the kitchen. She poured herself a mug, doctored it with half-and-half and two sugars, and went to see if the paper had been delivered.

The door no longer glowed green, but she paused before touching the doorknob. What would happen if she breached the green glow? Would she be blown back into the room? Or would she be vaporized on contact?

Cinder hopped off his bed and curled his way about her ankles, his motor running like mad. He was ready for his breakfast. If she was going to test the fates, she'd better just get it over with and touch the damn door handle already.

One... two... three...

Nothing happened.

The door opened easily and the paper was right where it should be, on the small welcome mat. She picked it up and closed the door before Cinder could make a break for it, and the cat purred his way behind her as she went back into the kitchen.

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