Chapter Five

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What she'd hoped would be a quick breakfast at the diner turned into anything but as Loki's eyes practically popped from their sockets as he read the menu. His first taste of bacon led to a four-course breakfast of eggs, pancakes, French toast (she thought he might actually cry when he tasted it with maple syrup), bacon, sausage, and hash browns. She'd never seen a man eat the way he did and it was nothing short of amazing that he managed to put so much food away. She was pretty sure her credit card actually groaned when she paid for breakfast and managed to drag him away from the dessert carousel at the front of the diner.

"You can't possibly still be hungry," she grumbled, grabbing him by the hand to pull him away.

"You'd be amazed," he replied, but allowed her to steer him out the door to her waiting Honda. "I had no idea how well Midgardians ate."

"Trust me, there was nothing even close to eating well in what you had. And where did you put it all?" She unlocked the Accord and slid in behind the wheel.

Loki sank into the passenger seat with the heavy sigh of a well-fed bear. "So, where do we go next?"

"You need the basics. Jeans. Socks. Underwear. So, we're heading to the mall."

He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. "The mall it is."

She glanced over at him as she maneuvered through the traffic on Route 18. It was always heavy near the mall and today was no exception. But finally, she pulled into the parking lot and managed to find a space. With any luck, finding Loki suitable clothes would be relatively painless.

And it was. He was perfectly amenable to any suggestions, which was nice for a change since Joe was always a very particular shopper with particular tastes. And what was nicer still? He didn't mind sharing the load when it came to carrying everything. In fact, when she'd reach to take the short stack of jeans from him, he drew back with an, "I'm quite capable, you know."

Finally, when they'd amassed enough clothing for what seemed like half of the people in Brunswick, McKenna blew a wayward tendril out of her eyes and said, "Maybe you should try something on now?"

To her relief, he nodded. "I probably should, yes. And where do I do this?"

"Come with me and I'll show you." She wove her way through the racks and stacks to the back of the store and the dressing rooms. "Just take something and go in one of the little rooms. I'll wait right here."

"Shouldn't you accompany me?"

Heat flashed through her and she had to bite back the word yes as it pressed against her lips. "No. It's okay. The rooms are barely big enough for one person and since you're a little bigger than most of us... well... we'd probably get to know each other a little too well, if you know what I mean."

His dark brows pulled low. "I'm afraid I don't, actually. I haven't the foggiest idea of what you mean."

"Just... trust me, okay? You'll be fine on your own." She handed him the pile of clothes and gave him a little push. "I'll be right here when you come out. And remember, go slow with the zippers."

He nodded and off he went, while she paced about just outside the dressing rooms like a nervous mother. When he emerged, he was wearing new Levis, with a plain black tee shirt stretched across his broad chest, and she smiled. He cleaned up nicely. Still looked a little battered, but otherwise...

"These jeans are stiff. Are they supposed to be?" he asked, walking a bit bowlegged in her direction, as if he'd just gotten off a horse.

"They will until we wash them. Don't worry. Eventually, they'll be like a second skin. And nice and soft, like the ones I gave you."

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