Chapter Thirty-Three

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"What are you thinking about?" McKenna murmured, leaning back against Loki's chest as they soaked in the bubble-filled swimming pool he called a tub.

He caught her hand in his. "Not much. Dinner will be here shortly. I hope you're hungry."

She smiled at him over her shoulder. "Just a little. This is the most exercise I've had in months."

He wrapped soapy arms about her and kissed the top of her wet head. "But unlike your running, this exercise is actually enjoyable."

"Well, I like running, but I'll admit, I'll take sex over running any day of the week." She shivered as he lifted her hair to the side and kissed the back of her neck. His lips were soft as they crept across her nape and he slid his other arm about her waist to hold her close against him. She let her head fall forward, her eyes closing at the delicious sensations rippling through her.

He nipped her gently, his laughter a soft caress in itself as she shivered against him. Then, she sighed, her head lolling to the left as she murmured, "Times like this, I don't care if I ever go back to Earth."

"Well, we cannot remain here forever."

"I know." She lifted her head and gazed at him over her shoulder. "And part of me does miss home, I guess. I wonder how Shay is and how Cinder is doing. I miss him."

"Do you want to see them?" Loki asked softly, letting her hair fall back against her shoulders.

"How?" Suds sloshed as she turned to face him.

"Heimdall. He sees all in the Nine Realms."

"Will I be able to see them?"

"Sadly, no." Loki shook his head. "But Heimdall can and he'll tell you how they're doing."

"That would still be nice."

"Then we'll go after dinner."

She smiled. "Okay."

He touched her face with a soapy hand. "And perhaps we can discuss setting a wedding date?"

"I've been thinking about it, and now that I'm not the size of a house, maybe we could do it soon."

"How soon, love? You need only say the word and I will be there."

"Well, I need to find a dress and I have to ask Shay to be my maid of honor. Will you ask Thor to stand up with you?"

"I don't know. I haven't given any thought to it. Is this a Midgardian tradition?"

"You don't have bridal parties here?"

He shook his head. "No. The bride and groom stand up, take their vows, and then everyone celebrates for about a month."

"A month?"

He grinned. "I might have exaggerated that a little. But there will be a grand reception and ball and all Asgardians would be invited."

"Of course they would. You are a prince."

"I rarely think of myself as a prince," he admitted. "At least, not much these days."

"So," she traced her fingers lightly along his left arm, leaving trails in the suds as she grazed along the muscle roping his forearm, "would we have the wedding here or at home?"

"Where would you like it to be? Odin has offered to host it."

"I know how he feels about humans being in Asgard. I can't get married without Shannon. She's pretty much the only family I have left."

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