Chapter Thirty-Eight

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McKenna smiled up at Loki as they stood outside the banquet hall, waiting to be introduced. "How's your head?"

"Much better." His hand slid from her hip over her backside and back up. "But I don't think the ibuprofen is the reason why."

She laughed, leaning into him. "I have the magic touch."

He leaned over to nuzzle her. "That you do, love. But, I daresay you aren't the only one. You were trembling against me fairly well only half an hour ago."

"You were mad. We could've gotten caught."

"We're married now, love. It doesn't matter." He playfully nipped the side of her neck. "And the danger part made it rather exciting, don't you think?"

"I'm not answering that." She shivered as he nipped again, and her eyes closed at the gentle caress of his tongue against the bite. "Mmmm... we can't now, Loki. They're going to announce us at any moment."

He slid his arms about her waist, working his way along her neck, into the curve of her shoulder. "Let them. I don't care."

She melted against him, draping her arms about his neck to thread her fingers through the dark hair curling over his high collar. The caresses felt so wonderful, his hands warm on her back, his lips warm on her skin. "Loki..."

A low growl rose to his lips and he moved up, kissing lightly over her ear as he murmured, "I love when you say my name in that breathless way, love, and when your hands twist in my hair and you arch against me like this..."

"There you are!" Shannon burst into the room without apology and wasn't even blushing as she said, "Oh, God... can't you two keep your hands off each other for five fucking minutes?"

Loki muttered something beneath his breath as he reluctantly pulled away from McKenna. Then, loud enough for everyone to hear, he added, "I can, but I don't wish to this day."

"What's up, Shay?" McKenna asked, smoothing the front of her gown.

"Where's Sif? And Thor? I can't find either of them."

"I haven't the foggiest," Loki sighed. "Why?"

"Well, we're going to be called in at any second. Might be nice if they were here with us."

"We're here," Thor said, laughing as he and Sif both stumbled through the door. "Did we miss anything?"

"Where were you?" Shannon asked, and McKenna's eyebrows rose at the sight of the two disheveled Asgardians.

"I fell into a planter." Sif brushed dirt from her skirt. "And Thor almost killed us both trying to help me."

"I lost my balance."

"You dropped that blasted hammer on me!"

"It wasn't intentional. And I apologized."

Before the argument could get out of hand, the emcee (or whatever they were called on Asgard) said, "Now, it is my pleasure to introduce our wedding party-

"Please welcome the Lady Sif, escorted by Volstagg the Valiant!"

McKenna looked over at Loki, who shrugged as Volstagg and Sif made their way out into the room.

"And the maid of honor, Shannon Hathaway, escorted by Thor!"

A shout went up as Thor and Shannon hurried out.

"And now, making their first appearance as husband and wife, please welcome, Loki and McKenna Odinson!"

McKenna couldn't keep the smile from her face, no matter how much her cheeks hurt, as Loki laced his fingers with hers and they made their way out onto the dance floor.

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