Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Might we stop now?"

McKenna smiled at the plaintive note in Loki's voice, and out of pity, she slowed down to barely a jog. Loki had managed to keep up with her for the better part of their run, but now he was lagging. Lagging, out of breath, and sweating.

And looking damn good doing it, in Lycra compression running shorts that made her want to melt every time she caught a glimpse of him. She stopped, feeling a stitch in her side, and bent to break it.

"Are you all right?" Loki was at her side in a minute, a hand on her back. "I told you I didn't think you should-"

"Loki, stop it." She straightened up and unscrewed the cap from the water bottle in her hand. There wasn't much left, but it was enough and she gulped it down. "I told you, I'm fine. If you're going to spend the next six months hovering over me, go back to Asgard."

He caught her around the waist. "McKenna, don't scold me for my concern. Perhaps Midgardian men show little concern where a pregnant woman is concerned, but considering that you are my woman and you carry my child, I cannot help but be concerned."

She bristled at the archaic sound of my woman, but at the same time, it melted her heart a little. Lowering her water bottle, she sank back into his chest. "You're right and I'm sorry." She turned her head to meet his gaze. "But Dr. McManus said I'm doing fine and the baby is doing fine. You heard her yourself. She said that as long as I don't get myself too worn down-"

"You never stop moving, McKenna. Ever. She also said you need rest."

"No, she said I should make sure I get enough rest, not that I needed more." She fought back an irritated sigh, not wanting to be annoyed but unable to help it. Loki fussed over her nonstop, which was nice in the beginning, but now it was getting old.

Then she sighed. "Loki, it's just that I've been on my own for a long time and I guess I'm just used to taking care of myself and not having anyone around fussing over me. I don't really know what to do with it."

"Let me fuss over you. It's all I can do." His hand splayed over her stomach, as if he expected to feel something beneath her compression shorts and tank top. Maybe he could feel something, through magic, but she thought that if he did, it would show in his face. "My part's finished and this is all I can do to make it easier on you."

She slid her arm about his waist and smiled up at him. "Tell me, do I become McKenna Odinson or McKenna Laufeyson?"


"And does that make me a princess?"

He smiled. "It makes you a queen, love. My queen." He said it in a low, purring voice that made her shiver, and pulled her closer until she was flush up against him. "And now, love, if you don't mind, I'd rather return home."

"Had enough running?"

"I haven't had enough of you."

She sighed, even as she indulged in letting her hand curve down over his backside. The shorts just made it too irresistible. He responded by sucking in a sharp breath and tugging her closer still. "You probably should not be doing that out here."

"I can't help it," she whispered back. "It just calls to me."

With that, she pushed up onto her tiptoes, brushed her lips over his cheek, and then pivoted to dash off, calling, "Last one home takes a cold shower!" over her shoulder.

It was a calculated move, but then she heard him laugh, and heard his feet on the pavement. But she didn't look back, just concentrated on her strides, on the slow burn of the muscles in her thighs and calves-

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