Chapter Nine

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Shattered wood and icy water sprayed down around Loki as he found himself staring up at a mockingly bright red-and-white striped awning and rows of evil-looking wide-eyed clowns with gaping mouths. The pain blazing through him was hotter than any he'd ever felt—it was worse than when the Kursed drove the spear through him, and that was saying something.

Anyone who'd been anywhere near them had bolted in all directions, vaulting over the railing to the sandy beach, knocking others down in their haste and those who didn't run were instead herded away from the scene by soldiers in black fatigues.

Loki groaned as he rose onto his elbows, and managed to sit up. Blood trickled down his left cheek from the gash at his temple. Wonderful. But that didn't matter nearly as much as the fury that sliced through him when he saw McKenna on her knees, her hands behind her back, and the soldier with the gun poised at her back.

The pain receded as he twitched his fingers and his dagger sat warm in the palm of his right hand. All he need do was throw and she'd be free in a heartbeat.

"Don't even think about it."

Loki palmed the dagger, rising slowly to glare at Agent Coulson, growling, "Didn't I already kill you once?"

Coulson lifted his weapon. "It would appear you did nothing of the sort, wouldn't you say?"

"Let her go," Loki said, nodding toward McKenna "She has nothing to do with this. It's between you and I and no one else."

"So," Coulson met his gaze without a flinch, "do you meant to tell me she isn't with you?"

"She is, but only because I took her."

Coulson's normally dour expression cracked into a bit of a smile. "Really? I don't think so."

"You think wrong. I'm well-skilled at manipulation. Let her go and you can have me. She has nothing to do with this."

"Loki, don't," McKenna said as the soldier at her side grabbed her upper arm and hauled her to her feet.

"This is my bargain, son of Coul. Let her go and I will come with you. Or, I can kill you again. And this time, you will stay dead."

"Let her go." Coulson didn't so much as look at McKenna. He wisely kept his eyes trained on Loki.

With a clatter of metal, McKenna's hands were freed and she rubbed her wrists, her eyes shooting daggers at the soldier standing next to her. Then, she turned her gaze to Loki and if he thought her eyes had been filled with fear the first time they met his, it was nothing to what he saw in them now.

Loki flicked his fingers and the dagger disappeared and he held up both hands. McKenna stepped up to him, her eyes wide as she shook her head. "Don't do this, Loki. Do not go with him. You know what will happen if you do."

"It will be all right," he told her softly, looking from her to Coulson and back. "But, you should go now."

"No, Loki, wait—" Her words were cut off as one of the agents grabbed her around the waist to haul her away.

"Take care with her," Loki growled. It took every bit of self-control he possessed to not blast the man into Hel, but he knew if he did, they'd open fire and the risk of McKenna being hit was far too great. "She is not to be manhandled and you will not follow her once she leaves here. I mean it, Son of Coul, she has nothing to do with this."

Coulson smirked. "I don't really think you're in any position to bargain, Loki. The game's over now. You've lost, just as I said you would."

Fury burned through him, but he held out his hands and allowed Coulson to bind his wrists in metal cuffs. He held the smaller man's stare without blinking as Coulson stepped back and cleared his throat. "Let's go."

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