Twenty Five: A Discovery Unfolds

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Magnus saw the scavengers come back before anyone even announced it. He'd been coming back from the agriculture warehouse when he saw the gates to the Institute open and the scavengers all piled in. He watched for Alec but didn't see him arrive with the rest of the group.

"Hey," he called out to the guy with a blue streak in his long black hair. "Where's Alec?"

The man stopped in his tracks as Magnus cut him off in the hall. "Who are you?"

Magnus chuckled dryly. "Don't play games with me, buddy. Now I'll ask just one more time. Where. Is. Alec?"

Everyone was watching them at this point, waiting to see what would happen next. But Magnus wasn't going to snap; he learned to control his anger and emotions in Quantico. They only clouded your judgement anyway. This guy, on the other hand, was red in the face with all the anger he was holding back.

"I don't want to have to force an answer out of you," Magnus whispered. "At least not where there's people watching."

Blue Streak made a move to shove Magnus but let out a yell as his arm became pinned behind his back and was forced against the wall. "Alright! Alright! I'll tell you where he is!"

Magnus didn't loosen his hold. "Excellent. Is he dead?"

"No," Blue Streak grunted. "He's not."

"Then where is he?"

"He's....we left him behind. He fell down into an abandoned subway tunnel and there was no way out. So we just left him there."

The wall that Magnus worked so hard to build in order to keep his emotions in check started to crack. "You....just left him down in that hole to die? Did you even try to help him?!"

He slammed the other man's face against the wooden wall, the mental wall inside his mind that had been built up crashing down completely. He didn't care that he made the man's temple bleed. They had left Alec behind. He was seeing red.

"He wanted to join your team! He knew he would be a valuable asset and you just left him behind like some poor pet that you didn't want anymore!" Magnus yelled. His skin was on fire; he hadn't been this angry in years, especially not over a man he just met. "He would've stayed behind to help you. And what did you do? Huh? Did you promise to get help? Knowing what your real intentions were?"

Blue Streak was sobbing uncontrollably but no one stepped in to help him. "I'm so sorry....we have a rule-"

"Fuck your rules," Magnus growled, "and fuck you."

With a final shove, he pushed Blue Streak towards a huge hulk of a man who could've easily stepped in at any point and crushed Magnus' skull but didn't. Magnus didn't care much, to be honest. The only thing that was on his mind at the moment was rescuing Alec before nightfall. Nothing good ever came from being stuck in the night.

The woman in the supplies room nearly jumped out of her chair when Magnus walked in like he owned the place. "Hey! You're not authorized to be in here! You're violating code-"

"You know where you can stick your code, honey. Spare me the lecture." He grabbed a backpack and filled it with the essentials; bottles of water, a few energy bars, blankets, flashlights. What little space he had left in his bag would be filled with ammo once he made his way to the weapon storage.

"I have to report you to Lydia," the woman told him as he grabbed an extra flashlight. "You can't take stuff out of here unless you're authorized to do so."

Magnus turned to look at her. He flashed a million watt smile that made her take a step back in fear. "Go right ahead. Report me. But I have a good friend who was left behind out in the city because his scavenge group are a pack of assholes. Whatever I don't use, I promise to bring back."

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