Twenty Six: Promises

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"You want another drink of water?"

Isabelle coughed violently which was enough to make Simon cringe and look away. "No. I can't keep anything down, Simon. I can't eat. I can't drink. Every time I cough, I cough up blood-"

"Okay. I get it. You don't have to go into details. Can I at least get you a cool cloth? You're burning up again."

When Isabelle didn't protest, Simon dipped a cloth into a bucket of water and squeezed it before placing it on her forehead. She winced in shock but never moved away from his touch.

"I think I saw Magnus leave earlier. He didn't look too happy about something," Simon whispered as he dabbed her forehead with the cloth. "Wonder was that was about...."

"Probably something Alec related," Isabelle managed to rasp. She coughed again before clearing her throat, holding back a mouthful of vomit that threatened to come out. "Speaking of my brother, where is he anyway? He didn't come visit me yet."

Shrugging, Simon dipped the cloth in the water again. "I'm not sure. I think he's out with the scavengers but he should be back-"

He paused when Isabelle's shirt shifted away to reveal what looked like several teeth marks surrounded by a purple bruise. When she tried to cover it back up, Simon held her wrist gently in place to prevent her from hiding it.

"Iz....what the hell?" He breathed.

"Simon, it's nothing-"

"Oh it's something. And we're going to talk about this something. When the hell did this happen, Izzy? More importantly....why didn't you tell anyone?"

Isabelle's lower lip quivered but she didn't cry. "When we were shooting at Valentine's men after Max died. A Forsaken grabbed hold of me from behind and bit down on my shoulder."

Simon looked at the wound for a second time. "But how did it get past inspection?"

"I told them it was from a person that wasn't dead."

Simon groaned. "Jesus, Isabelle. You should've told someone!"

Isabelle laughed, seemingly finding this funny. "Tell someone? Even if I did there was nothing anyone could've done, Simon. There's no cure. I'm turning into a Forsaken and it's only a matter of time before I'm craving human flesh-"

"Stop! Just-just stop," Simon's voice wavered. "I can't bear to see you like this anymore, Iz. I love you too much."

Isabelle pulled him in closer to her and kissed his cheek. "I know you do, baby. I love you too. But you and I both know what's coming and the inevitable."

A nurse stepped into the curtained area where they were. She smiled before checking Isabelle's vitals and feeling her forehead.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

Isabelle coughed. A mouthful of blood came up but she quickly swallowed it, much to her disgust. "Still hot and shaky but fine. All things considered....where's my brother?"

The nurse glanced at her from a clipboard. "Which one?"

"Dark haired one. Alec. Where is he?"

The nurse put the clipboard down with a sigh. "As far as I know, your brother's boyfriend stormed out of the building not too long ago. He didn't look too happy so something must've happened out in the city."

Isabelle shot Simon a look of shock. "Did you know about this?!"

"No!" Simon squeaked. "I swear to god I had no idea. Last I saw Magnus was in the cafeteria this morning. I stayed here with you for most of that time so how could I possibly know?"

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