The Aftermath: Part 1 (Hank's house, May 2nd, 2038)

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The taxi pulled up to his street a painful 7 minutes later. The car was still slowing down as he slid open the door and ran to his house.

His eyes were darting around as he took his gun out.

He opened his door with its sole key, but he guessed that security didn't really matter when Conner always managed to get in uninvited.

"Conner?" Hank entered the kitchen with his gun still drawn. Conner was sitting against the fridge on the dirty floor with his head in his hands. He slapped his own head, hard, and looked up. All of the standard Android uniforms had been burned a while ago, but Conner was still unmistakable in his routine business suit. His eyes were unfocused and Hank could faintly hear weird machine noises coming from him.

"Hank," The android stood and reached out to him.

Hank put the gun away as Conner stepped forwards. Mid-step though, his legs and arms froze and he fell forwards. "Woah!" Hank lunged clumsily and caught him before he hit the ground. He knelt down onto his ratty jeans and propped him back against the wall.

Conner's eyes were blinking furiously and were rolled back.

"What's happening? Conner?

Conner's eyes cleared and he smiled pleasantly. "Hello, my name is Conner. I am the android sent by Cyber Life to assist you on your case."

"Conner, no..." Hank felt fear creep up his neck like a poisonous spider. He shook the pleasantly smiling robot. "Conner! Wake up! WAKE UP DAMMIT!"

"Gah!" Conner gasped and his pleasant expression contorted like he was in pain. He looked at something near the Cop's left shoulder. Hank looked behind him but there was nothing there.

"NO! I won't let you!"

"Won't let me what? What Conner?"

"This is my life, my body, you need to get out."

Hank realized that Conner wasn't talking to him. He looked almost panicked. There were tears running down his face even though his eyes were not the slightest bit red. It was unnerving.

"No, no you're WRONG!" Conner gasped and looked around blankly like he couldn't find whatever he was looking at. Water was flowing down his face.

"Whose wrong? What's happening Conner?

Since the liberation of androids in Detroit six months ago, a some of the new deviants, not any from Jericho, but some of the newer models that Conner had freed from CyberLife, had gone insane and either shut down or reset. There had been eleven cases so far. In all of those cases, the deviants had been androids built to work in the government or national security. Connor fit into both categories. These advanced prototype android programmings were so complex and extensive that they were able to fight the deviant and reset or shut down the android. Its original coding was so intertwined with its personality that the "deviant virus " (or whatever you wanted to call it), would get "stuck" in the trillions of hard ones and zeros and be destroyed by the android's original system operations. At least, that's how Conner explained it to Hank, in "plain English please".

"Hank?" Conner looked up like he expected to find him on the ceiling.

"Yes, I'm here buddy. What's happening? Is someone hacking you?"

Connor looked around the small room without seeing anything. He was scared. "Hank, she's trying to reset me."

"Who? Who is?" Hank insisted, he was grabbed Conner's wild arms, pinning them down.

Become Human Detriot: Connor fights his programming and Hank is there to helpWhere stories live. Discover now