A Spoiled Man With a Headache

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I wake up with a pounding head. It seriously feels like someone's driving a railroad spike through my skull with every beat of my heart. It also sounds like there's a dying helicopter somewhere in the vicinity. I crack open one eye and sure enough Slash is sprawled out next to me, flat on his back, snoring like an aircraft engine ready to choke out. I groan quietly. That noise must end! Also, I selfishly want him to to rub my head and make my headache go away and I want to apologize, really apologize for earlier.

I nudge him and wait. Nothing. I reach over and outright shove him to the right so that he'll jostle awake. This works and he turns over to face me; nearly jumping out of his skin when he realizes that my eyes are open
and staring into his face.

"God damnit Izzy why do you do that?" he gowls playfully.

"Bc it's funny when you jump like that!" I laugh. He swats me hard on the head with a pillow and I groan as my skull explodes in pain. "Slash...my head is killing me, why'd you do that?" I whimper.

"Babe I didn't know, I'm sorry," he says reaching out to stroke my face.

"S'ok, rub my head, please baby doll?" I beg.

"That's why I'm really awake isn't it? You have a headache and you want me to make it better for you?" Slash asks raising his eyebrows and giving me a knowing look.

"But baby it hurts so bad..." I groan. Slash sighs and shakes his head at me, smiling. He sits up and pulls my head over into his lap; starting to massage my scalp with his strong fingers.

"Izzy there's one word for you and only one; spoiled!" Slash teases.

"You're the one who spoils me; it's your own fault!" I exclaim and instantly regret raising my voice as another jolt of pain shoots through my head. I wince and Slash stops rubbing my head for a second looking down to see if I'm ok. "Don't stop, it's the only thing that makes the pain go away," I whisper.

"Izz, you shouldn't have had so much to drink. One day your head's literally going to explode." He smiles at me indulgently and strokes my hair for a second. I should leave you here to wallow in pain you know; especially since you were such an asshole last night. But I just can't do it; I love you too much. I do spoil you I know, but I can't help myself." he says and moves his hand down to tickle my belly. I swat him off and then I reach up with both arms and turn his face down to look at mine.

"Baby doll, are we ok? I'm sorry about earlier tonight, I didn't mean it, you know that! You know how much I love you right?" I ask him quietly. He sighs and pushes me off of his lap; careful to lay my head carefully on the bed. He's careful with me even when he's disgusted by me; shit I can't fuck things up with him, nobody's ever been so good to me. I slowly sit up, careful not to make the pain in my head any worse. "Please say we're ok, please say everything's fine!" I mentally pleaded.

I maneuvered myself so that I was sitting in between his legs facing him, my thighs draped over his, my forehead touching his. He wouldn't meet my eyes. "Look at me pretty baby, please," I beg him. When he does finally bring his eyes up to meet mine they're full of tears. "No sweetness, please don't cry," I whisper and wipe away the tiny drops that have spilled over with my thumbs.

"Izzy,...I don't even know what to say about anything that happened tonight. All I know is it all really hurts, and it was embarrassing, and it makes me fucking pissed off!" Slash snarls.

"Which part?" I query, hoping to make him smile by making a bad joke.

"All of it!" he replies, his patience wearing thinner by the second. But the part that hurt me was you ignoring me, that and you telling me you didn't care if I was alive. Is it going to be like this every time we fight over something more than who drank all the booze Iz; because if it is I can't handle it! If the situation was reversed I'd be angry too; but I wouldn't tell you I didn't care if you were alive or dead! Why would you say something like that to me if you love me?"

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